Kot Massacre happened on 14 September 1846,before period of Rana regime . The Kot Massacre (Kot Parva) took place inside palace. It happened when Junga Badhur Rana and his brothers killed Prime Minister and the relative of king , Chautariya Fateh Jang Shah along with 40 members of the Nepalese Palace court in Kot Massacre .Due to this incident there was emergent of Autocratic Rana rule in Nepal, resulting in monarchy by Surendra Bikram Shah.

In September 1845 a coalition ministry was formed which was lead by Fatte Jang Chautaria though there was peak of instability in Nepalese politics i.But the real power was in the hand of General Gagan Singh Bhandari which was believed to be the lover of the then Queen Rajya Laxmi Devi .Gagan use to control seven regiments in army also Junga Bhadur Kunwar and Abhiman Singh Rana Magar served as commanders which contains three regiments in that event.
During the night of 14 September 1846 Gagan Singh was found dead on the balcony of his palace .Death of Gagan was the root cause of the event According to the command of the Queen Junga Badhurebecome ready with hos army force.,to assemble the immidiate assemble of the entire administrative establishment of the county at the courtyard of the palace areas in Hanuman Dhoka.Junga Badhur ordered his army’s not to let to go anyone out of the palace without his and Queen Rajya laxmi’s permission.

Queen believed that there is a hand of Pandey’s, behind the death of Gagan and ordered Abhiman Singh to kill them all i .But he hesitates and look towards king then the only king asked him to investigate the matter . The problem arises in the palace by predicting the possibilities of bloodshed .During the day of Kot Massacre Singh decided to bring his own army force inside the palace but he was not allowed to go outside .
He forced to go out and wad killedKot Massacre .Around forty nobles were killed in Kot Massacre. Including Fatey Jung the Prime Minister many other Thapas,Pandeys and Basnyats died during the massacre due to which Junga Badhur got chance to eliminate his rivals and gained power .

Queen declared Junga Badhur Rana as a Prime Minister immediately . After several time queen felt threat keeping Junga Badhur in power and eliminate him and elevate her son to the throneafter Kot Massacre .Metting of leading notables,packed with the Rana supporters found the Queens guilty stripped her and sent her into exile at varanasi with the Rajendra ,the king. At the end he declared himself as a new the then Prime Minister along with the Chief of the Nepal Army after Kot Massacre. 30 to 40 civil ,military officers and palace guards including Kaji Dalbhanjan Pande,Rana Magar Kaji Bir Keshar Pande ,then prime minister of Nepal Fateh Jung Shah .