Home Remedies for Constipation

Many people now have the problem of constipation. Constipation may indicate a serious stomach problem.Eating food irregularly and drinking less water may lead to this difficulties.This disease is seen in people of all ages. Older people are more likely to suffer from constipation. Constipation may lead to difficulty in digestion and excretion. So,how can we treat this without going to doctor . Home remedies are also effective in treating constipation. For this, the following should be followed.

1.Drink more water
The most important and suitable remedy for constipation is water. So you have to drink water again and again. Apart from this, you should also eat liquid food at meal time. Drinking plenty of water can get rid of constipation.

2.Eat Nutritious Food With Fibers
We see the taste in food nowadays. But food nutrition is the most important thing to the body. Therefore, if you eat nutritious food rich in fiber like barley, wheat, bread without neglecting the food, constipation will come under control.

3.Eat Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Fresh and clean fruits and vegetables should be consumed to get rid of constipation. Fresh vegetables and fruits are high in nutrients, rich in fiber and fluids. It benefits our digestive process. Therefore, eating plenty of green vegetables and fresh fruits is not likely to cause constipation and constipation can be cured.

4.Nuts and Seeds
Regular intake of vitamins and protein-rich nuts and seeds helps to cure constipation.

5.Oil Contents
Soybean oil, sesame, olive kernel, vegetable juice are also considered to be the best to cure constipation. As these foods contain a small amount of fatty substances, they make the intestines smooth and prevent stomach upset and bloating.

6.Fruits with Citric Acid
Grapes and lemons, which are high in citric acid, easily expel intestinal waste through the anus, so its juice cures constipation.

7.Do lot of Exercise
In some cases, physical exercise is appropriate to cure constipation according to age and if possible. Physical exercise removes stool from the intestines.