Loksewa Preparation From Facebook

Public service commission
Facebook is very helpful in preparing for the Public Service Commission exams.Update and sharpen yourself on national-international developments, general knowledge and intellectual test (IQ) through Facebook.Interacting with friends who are preparing for public service through Facebook, answering questions, exchanging various knowledge and information in groups, improving writing skills, debating on analytical questions will help them to pass the public service exam. The latest information, facts and figures can be obtained quickly and easily through various Facebook pages targeted at those preparing for public service.
.The latest information, facts and figures can be obtained quickly and easily through various Facebook pages targeted at those preparing for public service.In this age of information technology, there are many opportunities for those who want to learn and achieve success, it is wise to identify and use such opportunities. Facebook is also such an easy medium, if you can make good use of it, you can succeed in the public service exam.
The fact that about 15 percent of the people in Nepal use Facebook and the majority of those who use social networks like Facebook and Twitter are young people also confirms that most of those who are preparing for public service have access to Facebook.
And they are using it. At present, the number of people liking, sharing and commenting on various pages created for the Public Service Commission examination is constantly increasing.

How to make good use of Facebook?
Now it is possible to prepare for public service from mobile. Various useful information, materials, facts, figures and information, texts can be obtained and studied by using internet on mobile. If you like the various pages opened targeting the public service, you can constantly get important and latest materials related to the public service exam in your own wall, which it is appropriate to note and study immediately.
Some useful Facebook pages
Many Facebook pages have been created by adding the name of the public service, but some of the pages are very popular and useful in terms of content, number of page likes and updates.
– The number of people who like the Facebook page called Public Service Commission is more than 188 thousand. On this page, general knowledge related materials as well as advertisements of Public Service Commission, result information as well as various types of materials targeting preparation for public service exams are constantly being updated.
A Facebook page called Preparing for Public Service from Home is also popular among Facebookers who prepare for public service. About 60,000 people have liked this page. Various types of content are updated on this page targeting the examination of Deputy Subba, Buyer, Branch Officer etc. This page may be more useful as it provides general knowledge as well as IQ questions and answers.
– Another Facebook page called Public Service Commission.np can also be helpful for exam preparation.The number of people who like this page is about 25,000 and it also shows the active participation of Facebook users.
– The name confirms that the Facebook page called Public Service Preparation from Facebook is a page created targeting Facebookers. This page has been liked by 19,000 people.
Various types of content are updated on this page targeting the examination of Deputy Subba, Buyer, Branch Officer etc. This page may be more useful as it provides general knowledge as well as IQ questions and answers.

– Another Facebook page called Public Service Commission.np can also be helpful for exam preparation. The number of people who like this page is about 25,000 and it also shows the active participation of Facebook users.
The name confirms that the Facebook page called Public Service Preparation from Facebook was created by targeting Facebookers. This page has been liked by 19,000 people.
– Notes of thematic letters of the Deputy Subba and the buyer have also been placed on the Facebook page called Public Service Preparation Class.
– Facebook pages such as Public Service Assistant, Public Service Commission Exam Questions can also be helpful for preparation for the Public Service Exam.
Not only the Facebook page, but also Facebook groups like Public Service Preparation Class, Public Service Commission Preparation have been created for those preparing for the Public Service Commission exam. By participating in such groups, one can increase the scope of one’s knowledge and speed up the preparation for the Public Service Commission exams.
Online practice
Some websites targeting public service exam preparation have even made it possible for candidates to practice online. Various websites are in operation to make the examinees practice answering the objective and thematic questions free of cost. Public Service commission MCQ.com can be practiced by giving free online exam of multiple choice objective questions in history, art, culture, politics, science etc.
At Public Service commission Guide.com, you have to pay some fee to prepare for the examination of various posts of the Public Service Commission. After paying the fee, the website has provided material and thematic textbooks for various posts as well as online exams and feedback. The website offers online practice of not only objective but also thematic letters.Not only these Nepali websites but also various foreign websites offer free IQ and general knowledge Q&A as well as useful textbooks on national and international topics. For that, you can go to Google and type IQ test or GK test and search for the content you need, and you can easily get tips like writing practice and memory enhancement.

– Information technology has made it very easy and cheap to learn new things and prove yourself in exams. With the availability of social networks, blogs and websites like Facebook, it is now possible to prepare for the public service exam from your mobile phone at home. With the growing craze for government jobs, increasing competition and changing curricula, there is a need for innovation in learning methods. Public service commission
In such a situation, if Facebook, which is accessible to all, can be used as an open and useful school, it may be easier to succeed in the civil service exam.
Things to pay attention to when giving a buyer’s test
The buyer’s examination under the public service is being conducted in the last week of May. Those who want to enter the government service by passing the civil service are now working hard. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required.
Digit weight
In the buyer’s examination, the first paper consists of 25 questions in general multiple answers towards general knowledge and social studies with a score of 50. Similarly, there are 8 short answers, which have a weight of 40. The longest answer is a 10-digit question. Thus, one hour is available for a total of 100 integers. Similarly, the second letter asks service related questions. There are 25 objective multiple answer questions, 8 short answer questions and one long answer question.
It also has a 100-mark test for which 1 hour is available. The interview is 30 integers.
Things to pay attention to while taking the exam
First of all, you have to take care of the service, group and sub-group under which you are taking the exam. Only black ink should be used in public service exams. If other inks are used, the test is canceled. The pass mark for each paper of the written test is considered to be 40 percent and 20 percent marks will be deducted in case of making a mistake in the objective multiple answer question. In laws, rules and policies. -Public service commission .
Special attention should be paid to laws, rules and policies.
When solving objective questions, one should write the letter mark of the correct answer instead of using the same mark as in the academic examination. For example, if the correct answer is A, B, C, D, then A should be written in the given box. If it is cermet or written in more than one place, it is canceled and 20 percent marks are deducted. However, even if you make a mistake in writing long and short answers, the marks will not be deducted. Special care should be taken in time while writing long / short answers. Personal opinion is very important in some questions. public service commission .
Similarly, before submitting the answer sheet, you should check your name, roll number, etc. once. It is also important to consider whether the question has been dropped or dropped. Candidates appearing for inclusion should mention this at the top of the answer sheet for the inclusive position for which they have appeared for the examination. Since small mistakes can affect the results of the exam, such things need to be taken care of. public service commission .