Nepali Actors: Who Takes How Much Per Movie?? All Hit Hero

Nepali Movies
Nepali Actors and Nepali Film Industry has made a high leap in every sectors. From story line to acting and cameras to VFX , it has made a great progress. Lately, new faces have emerged in the Nepali film world than the heroes of the old generation. With the recent booming business of Nepali cinema , some new faces are achieving great success.Now the popularity of Nepali film is increasing. The fact that the market of Nepali films is getting better is also known from the remuneration taken by the heroines of the last generation.
Disgusted by the old story and the old acting, the Nepali audience has been reaching the hall due to the new taste of the acting and the new story given by the artists who have come recently. The market for Nepali films is getting better because they have been able to give a new taste. They are not only successful but also well paid. His acting is well liked by the audience. Today we will talk about some Nepali Actors and their fees per movie.
Anmol KC
Anmol KC, son of superstar Bhuvan KC, is a famous hero of Nepal in recent times. Anmol, who made his debut in a Nepali film through Hemraj BC’s film ‘Hostel’, is one of the most liked heroes of recent times. Successful Anmol made good progress in a short time to attract the audience from the first film. He has not only succeeded in staying in the minds of the audience now, he has also succeeded in becoming the most expensive hero of the country. According to sources, Anmol has taken Rs 35 lakhs to 40 lakhs for Jharna Thapa’s film ‘A Mero Hazur 3’.

Pradip Khadka
Protagonist Pradip Khadka has come into the acting world through the reality show ‘Khoji Pratibhako’.He is finest Nepali actors. Debuting in a Nepali film from ‘Escape’, her height has been increased by ‘Love Song’. After the success of the love song, he did not have to look back. Then success came to him. It is said that Pradip, who worked for Rs 25 lakhs in the film ‘Rosie’, is now working for ‘Love Station’ for a large amount of money. He is currently taking Rs 25 to 30 lakh for a film.

Pal Shah
Pal Shah was the visual editor before playing the film as Nepali actors. He has come to play the film while auditing the video. Paul, who made his film debut in Vikas Acharya’s ‘Nain Nabhannu La 4’, got success from the first film. Then he acted in Sudarshan Thapa’s film “Ma Yasto Geet Gaauchu” . He also got good success from that. At this time, Paul is preparing to play a new film ‘Hridayabhari’. It is said that he will work for a good salary. At present, Paul is earning Rs 15-20 lakhs.

Dayahang Rai
Dayahang Rai of Bhojpur has made his debut in Nepali film from the theater bore being nepali Actors. Dayahang has the ability to act live. Daya, who made her film debut in the film ‘Anagarik’, has recently won the hearts of the audience by showing the acting ability of a different stream. According to sources, he is currently earning Rs 10 to 15 lakh per film.

Saugat Malla
Saugat Malla is also an Nepali actors who came to Nepali film from the theater. Saugat made his debut in Nepali film from Nepali film Kagbeni. Although he made his film debut from Kagbeni, he was introduced in 2012 by the film ‘Loot’. Saugat, who gained fame from his role as Haku Kale in ‘Loot’, has also been acting live. Her lively acting has made the audience like Saugat. Saugat has also been taking Rs 10 to 15 lakh for a film lately.

Bipin Karki
Bipin Karki is also a well-known Nepali actors. Bipin also entered Nepali film from the theater. Her performance has been praised by the audience as a lively performance. He has confirmed through his acting that acting can win the hearts of the audience more than face. Bipin, who came to prominence from ‘Pashupati Prasad’ and ‘Jatra’, is said to have received a salary of Rs 15 lakhs n from his latest film ‘Prasad’.

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