Corrupt Countries :The 10 Least Corrupt Countries in The World

Least Corrupt Countries
Corrupt Countries has a long list. At a time when many countries around the world are plagued by corruption, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a less corrupt country. There are countries in the world that have never been able to rise above the burden of corruption. But there are countries in the world where the net of corruption is free. In these countries, denominations and corruption are very low. The following is a list of the 10 least corrupt countries compiled by Transparency International.
1 Denmark
Corruption, commercial corruption and other forms of corruption are considered rare. There is a unitary parliamentary system.

2 New Zealand
New Zealand is the second least corrupt country in the world. There is a parliamentary system here. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state. The government here believes in the Westminster system. It has a CPI of 91.

3 Finland
Finland is also a country based on a parliamentary system. There is an arrangement for the prime minister to be the chief executive.

4 Sweden
Sweden is a country based on a democratic parliamentary system. Education, health and development are considered to be the best in the world. Even the government here believes in transparency. The government agencies here are the ones who come out against corruption. The CPI here is 87.

5 Switzerland
Switzerland is a country with a federal direct democratic republican system. The people here are aware of their rights and entitlements. Due to this, the possibility of corruption is low.Democratic government here is at the forefront of development in the world. Strong and effective legal processes reduce corruption. The CPI here is 86.

6 Norway
Norway is a country with a constitutional monarchical parliamentary system. The monarchy here is the head of state and head of government. Since the justice system is implemented independently, corruption is very low here. The CPI here is 85.

7 Singapore
Singapore is the fifth least corrupt country in the world. There is also a parliamentary system of unitary Westminster system. A special type of anti-corruption agency has been set up here. The CPI here is 84.

8 Netherlands
The Netherlands is a country with a constitutional monarchical parliamentary system. The current king is William Alec Gender. The king orders and assigns the mayor of the city and the leaders of the political parties. The prime minister is the head of government. The CPI is 83.

9 Canada
Canada is a country with a parliamentary system and a monarchical federal system. Queen Elizabeth II is the ruler here. Open democratic practices here have helped to curb corruption. The CPI here is 82.

10 Luxembourg
Luxembourg is also one of the smallest countries in the world under the European Union. Its sovereignty is Dutch-speaking. The main feature here is less corruption. It has a CPI of 81.