Traditionally Celebrated Festivals & Related History

Festivals Of Nepal :Interesting information about the traditionally celebrated festivals and related history
Festivals of Nepal :Many festivals have been celebrated in Nepal since ancient times with many rituals and traditions. These festivals have been established by the ancestors of many castes and ethnicities in one way or another. These festivals have become a common festival of Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians and all other religions.
Due to the fact that Nepal is a country of religious and cultural harmony and tolerance, Dashain and Tihar have become a common festival of all religions and Christians also celebrate Christmas. Similarly, there is no difference between Buddhists and Hindus and Muslims. Moreover, the many festivals that originated and developed in the Kathmandu Khaldo have become common festivals of all castes, religions and sects.
Among them, “Gai Jatra”, “Indra Jatra” and “Bhote Jatra”, which are known as “Three Jatras” to identify Kathmandu Khaldo, have been of special importance. Here is an attempt to describe those three journeys.
1.Gai Jatra

The cow procession was introduced by the then King of Nepal, Jagat Prakash Malla. There is a story about how this procession came into vogue. Once, Jagat Prakash’s 10-year-old son, Yuvaraj, died of cholera. At the death of her son, the queen of Jayaprakash Malla was devastated. She did not listen even when reminded by the whole world.
After refusing to do anything, King Jayaprakash said, “Everyone in the world must die one day. Even in our country, some people are dying at home. Why are you so worried about dying in our house?” If not, go see how many people have died in this city this year alone? Let’s see, ”he said.Festivals of Nepal
The date thus fixed is the day after Janapurni, i.e. the day of Krishna Pratipada. On this day, King Jayaprakash Malla issued a directive to the people to “take out a cow from every house that has died this year, that is, a virgin girl from a house without a cow, disguise herself as a cow and take her out to protest in the streets.” The year he died, a house without a cow decorated the virgin girl as a cow. Jayaprakash’s queen was also brought to the streets to watch the scene.Festivals of Nepal
After seeing this scene, Rani was also satisfied. It has been a rumor that they have been eating since that day.
Gai Jatra is celebrated for seven consecutive days from the day of Krishna Pratipada in the month of Bhadra. Now this procession has taken the form of a festival.
During the procession, there is a tradition of showing ‘sword dance’, ‘double dance’, ‘drama’ etc. Even today, it is customary to take out a special cow from the dying house of the Newar community in Kathmandu.Although Jayaprakash Malla Thakuri practiced this custom, it is celebrated with great pomp especially by the Newar caste.

There is also a special purpose of celebrating this procession. What people believe is that the soul of a dead person has been wandering around this earth for a year suffering from many vices, so it is hoped that the soul will find happiness. It is believed that the soul of the dying person enters the body of the cow and feels happiness by adorning the cow, giving it sweet and sweet food.
It is believed that after the soul enters the cow, the door of heaven opens and the soul dwells in heaven. This is the reason why once a year, there is a tradition of decorating cows from the death house and protesting in the streets.Festivals of Nepal
During this cow procession, cows and cow-dressed teenagers roam the city, or visit religious places, all of which have a tradition of worshiping and burning candles, eating sweets, and worshiping gods and goddesses.After celebrating this procession for seven days, at the end of the feast program of the Newar community, the feast is announced with the participation of all the participants of the community.
Since this Jatra has been established as a festival since the past, the Government of Nepal has given a public holiday on this day or on the last day of Gaijatra. Comedy, satire, drama, poetry and storytelling programs are also included in the program.
During the Panchayat period, His Majesty and the government were also allowed to criticize. On this occasion, it was customary to criticize and protest through humor, satire, ghazals, poems, dramas and stories targeting the royal palace, His Majesty’s government and anyone in the government.Festivals of Nepal
You don’t have to do that now. In a republic, a democracy, there will be freedom of speech to criticize and oppose the government and anyone in the government, so there is no need to wait for the cow procession now.
If the government is doing bad work or anti-people work is being done by the government, then there is no need to wait for the cow procession now as there is an exemption to protest at any time.
2- Indra Jatra

The practice of Indra Jatra was introduced by King Kanamdev. This procession also starts on the day of Shukla Dhadashi in the month of August. It is customary to celebrate Krishna for four days from the fourth day of the month of Ashoj. Although it starts on the day of Shukla Dhaddhashi in the month of August, it ends only on the fourth day of Ashwin.
The flag is hoisted in the morning on the day of Bhadra Dhaddhashi and the flag is decorated with royal honors.Decorated in this way, Hanuman Dhoka is placed in front of the Taleju temple in the courtyard in front of the palace. Along with that flag, there is also an idol of King Indradev of heaven on top of the elephant idol
. This Indra Jatra is celebrated for eight consecutive days till the fourth day of Krishna in the month of Ashoj. Thus, after the journey of Yandra Raja started, it has become a custom to take the chariot of Kumari along with him.
The Newar community of Shakya dynasty, who consider themselves Buddhists in the Kumari Yatra, have traditionally put their virgin girl, who has just reached the age of 5-6 years, in a chariot with decorations and travel with Indra Jatra. The virgin is worshiped as a virgin goddess until menstruation.Festivals of Nepal
In this way, it can be said that this festival or procession has been considered as a symbol of harmony and tolerance between Hindus and Buddhists.It has also contributed to religious harmony. This is perhaps the first and one of the two religions to be linked in the same karma kand.
On the one hand, the pilgrimage of the revered Dev Indra in Hinduism and the pilgrimage to the Kumari Devi based on Buddhism is a vivid example of religious harmony. Many traditional dances and songs are performed on this occasion. Mahakali dance, Devi dance, Dashavatar dance, Zakku dance, Pulukimi dance, Lakhe dance, etc. Indra Dhwaja and Kumari Rath are performed around the city.Festivals of Nepal
In the Indra Jatra introduced by Guna Kamadeva, Jayaprakash Malla had introduced the practice of walking with the virgin chariot from his time to satisfy the Buddhists and maintain religious equality. Therefore, its main purpose is to maintain religious harmony. The procession is celebrated with pomp and circumstance for eight days.
After this, the virgin goddess is taken to the virgin house near Hanuman Dhoka.In the past, he was not allowed to be seen by the public from the day of the chariot ride, but now he can be seen by the public at any time. In addition, Kumari Devi, who used to be of school age, was not allowed to study, but now she is allowed to study.Festivals of Nepal
In this way, the government also helps to do Indra Jatra and Kumari Jatra together and on this occasion, the government has also given public leave.Even after the conquest of Nepal Khaldo in 1825 BS, Prithvi Narayan Shah continued to enrich these processions. Not only that, Prithvi Narayan Shah ascended the throne on the day of Indra Jatra and Kumari Rath Yatra after conquering Kathmandu Valley.
On this occasion, he ascended the throne by visiting Kumari Puja Archana and Indra during the procession, which has become indelible in history. Festivals of Nepal
Thus, any king or ruler of Nepal has been recognizing this Indra Jatra and Kumari Rath Yatra, which is celebrated by combining these two religions, and the present republican government has been monitoring and supporting it by assessing that it is a matter of tourist importance.Festivals of Nepal
3, Bhoto Jatra

The Bhoto Jatra is also one of the major Jatra festivals in Nepal. In this Jatra, the work of building and maintaining the chariot starts 3-4 months in advance. It is also called Rato Machhindranath’s Jatra.Although this pilgrimage is done every year, it starts from Bungatimati every 12 years and is kept there again.
Though Bhoto Jatra has been celebrated even before the Licchavi period, it is said that it was formally started by Narendra Dev Malla. It is also called Bhoto Show Jatra .This is concluded by showing the gem-encrusted bhoto placed in Kumari’s house in the month of Asar every year in public in the presence of the head of state with the bhoto of Kanya Kumari Devi as a witness.Festivals of Nepal
It is considered as a festival especially for the people of the Newar community of Nepal but other communities of Nepal also respect this tradition.The legend that has been told about the origin of this journey does not seem logically credible, but this legend can be found to be true and real by making some corrections.
In this article, we have tried to look at the legend and other logical statement about the Bhoto Jatra as a comparative statement, so that we can come to a conclusion.How did the Bhoto Jatra start? According to legend, once the queen of Nagaraja, the Queen of Cancer, became very ill with eye pain.
Nag Raj had nothing to cure him. So Nagraj sent his messenger to look for medicine. The ambassador also went around looking for a cure for his eye pain. While searching and wandering, the angel finally saw a farmer in a far away village washing his goat’s eyes with hot water and applying medicine. Then he asked the farmer, “What did you put in those goat’s eyes?” He asked.
The straightforward farmer also replied, “Goat’s eye hurts with medicine, and after that it heals.” Then the messenger said to the farmer, “Nagaraja’s eyes are sore. If you can cure him, Nagaraja will reward you. Go.” After that, the farmer went to Nagaraja with the envoy. In fact, the queen was cured after the farmer gave her medicine in her eyes.
Nagraj was also happy when his eyes were healed and Rani was happy. In this happiness, the king has sent Bhoto as a gift with gems.The farmer, who was returning home with the bhoto, was attacked by a ghost and tried to grab the bhoto. But as the farmer was fearless and strong, he had a fierce battle with Khayak.
Machhindranath, who was nearby, found out about this and went to the place where the fighting was taking place and asked them, “Why did you fight?” Whose bhoto is this? Both of them claimed that it was mine.Reminding both of them, Machhindranath said, “Look, I will keep it in the pot now.
You two should not fight. Whoever comes with proof that it is mine, I will send him to Bhoto.” Machhindranath went to his abode. After all, Khayak was not there, where to gather evidence? But even that farmer did not dare to go back to Nagraj and say, “Take away my bhoto, give me proof that it is mine.”
So who is the real claimant of Machhindranath in that bhoto later? In order to know that, year after year, “Whose bhoto is this? The saying, “It is a tradition to show bhoto in public” has remained a legend till today. Not only that, in order to show the best bhoto in public, bhoto is shown by riding a chariot about fifty days in advance and then throwing the chariot.Festivals of Nepal

Seen in this way, Matsyendranath (who became Machhindra due to corruption) is considered to be worshiped as a deity .There are many reasons to say, “Whose bhoto is this?” Or to put it in one place, but there was no means of communication and no transportation at that time, so people from far and wide could see the bhoto in one place.
It was not possible to walk. On the other hand, the then state government considered it necessary to show the good bhoto people from house to house in order to maintain the trust of the state. But it is said that this tradition was established after Machhindranath’s introspection.
There is some truth in this argument. But the basis that Machhindranath is also a deity is weak. There is no truth in the statement that “the ghost attacked to grab Bhoto”. Similarly, the statement “Nagraj is also the god of snakes” is also false. The truth is that the then feudal small fragmented kingdoms were not as organized as they are now, they lacked resources and means.
(Evidence that some of the feudal lords of that time did not even have the status of a physician.) The messengers also went in search of a healer or medicine to cure eye pain. While searching, he saw a farmer putting medicine in his goat’s eyes. After doing research, it was found that the farmer could be treated for eye pain.
“Now you go to the royal palace with us and heal the sad eyes of our queen Karkatadevi. If we heal the sad eyes of the queen, our king will reward you.” The farmers then went to Nagaraja’s palace and examined the queen’s eyes and administered medicine. In fact, the queen’s eyes were healed in a few days and the king had to give something or other.
Now the thugs around the same city (the place where the palace is located) found out about this and blocked the way for the farmer. Yes, this thug was called khyak (ghost). The thug attacked the farmer with the intention of snatching the bhoto, but the farmer was also strong and fearless, so the thug could not eat the bhoto. After all, he did not have any strength in front of the farmer.Festivals of Nepal
Eventually a fierce battle ensued and a quarrel ensued. The administrator in charge of the area (Matsyendranath, son of Minanath) was Machhindranath. Yes, he came to the place of the battle knowing that there was a quarrel. Machhindranath was not a god, but he was a selfless, worthy and pure-hearted man who was not greedy, greedy, and unselfish, and a worthy administrator who worked for the people and the state.
“Whose praise and admiration came after his death.) The current CD is an administration like this. He came to the scene of the fight and asked who Bhoto belongs to,” he said.He then decided to keep the bhoto with him and give it to the one who brought the evidence. Machhindranath said, “Now don’t fight.
Whose is this bhoto? Where did it come from?” I will give the proof of that to whoever brings it, ”said Bhoto, taking it with him and sending the quarrels to his house.The thug did not have that attitude, but the farmer also has his own sleeping farm instead of going to the Nagbanshi royal palace and asking the king for proof that “this bhoto is mine”.
After that, Machindranath, who has a pious nature, started holding demonstrations every year with the intention of making the bhoto public and giving it to those who come with evidence.Yes, it can be said that Bhoto has evolved into a festival or a festival as it has been passed from one generation to the next.
The people of Machindranath were affected by this kind of work and his Shatim was only focused on anti-people activities. The man is also a priest of Shatim. He also began to be worshiped.As a result, the present temple of Bungmati (then home) was established and renamed as Machhindranath Temple.
Now, it is a tradition to extend this tradition by completing the construction of the chariot 3-4 months ago and moving it to certain places in Kathmandu, Bhatpur and Lalitpur districts.On the last day, Bhoto and Kumari were kept alive in the chariot and turned around at certain places in Lalitpur district. Only during the day, gem-encrusted Bhoto is shown.Festivals of Nepal
While celebrating this festival, it is customary for his father Minanath to ride a chariot along with Machhindranath’s rath yatra, but its importance is not so visible, but it also serves as a tradition. In front of Machhindranath, two people play Indrabaja (Poga) with Guruju’s platoon, and the sword of the seventeenth century Lalitpure king Siddhinar Singh Malla is also carried in a chariot. And dance around the city.
There is a question as to how the tradition of holding the sword of Siddhinar Singh Malla started at this time. (This topic is not possible in this article, later). It has been customary to take the chariot directly to the temple of Machhindranath at Bungmati after performing bhoto in the game. The procession to show Bhoto also ends on this day .Festivals of Nepal
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