Sworek Maidan :A piece of heaven

Sverak Maidan

Sworek Maidan :The speed of the wind at its own speed. The sigh of bamboo and pine leaves with the speed of the wind. I wonder who is sighing. Joking, shouting loudly.

Bhirkot-5 island of 1600 meters (about) above sea level. Aha! A piece of heaven, Sworek Maidan . Plains on that island too! Yes, Swarek Mahapur-Maidan. Manarem view of Annapurna mountain range, Andhikhola flowing in Nagveli movement are seen. Thousands of views of the field can be seen from an angle of 360 degrees. It is rare to miss heaven on earth.

 Sworek Maidan -Notes Nepal
Sworek Maidan

Hundreds of ropanis of grazing, cows, oxen, buffaloes, etc., the importance of the pond is completely different. Identity and identity have changed. It is being compared with Sikkim, Darjeeling and Kalingapung. Sworek Maidan  is known as Sikkim, Darjeeling and Kalingpung of Nepal.

Thousands of ropanis of land (private and government) could not be touched. Prices are not lower than Manang, Mustang, Kathmandu (market). The prices of bamboo, sallo, dhupi, paiyun, katus and chilaune on the hill island have skyrocketed. Firewood yesterday. Herbs today. Herbs are bought and sold at the price of diamonds and pearls.

‘Syangja is a rich district in terms of geography, climate and security. “Tourism has immense potential,” said Anant Kumar Shrestha, vice-chairman of the district tourism committee.Endangered vultures (especially Egyptians) abound in the sky of Swarek.

According to environmental theory, vultures are considered to be very suitable for human habitation around the place where they live. In Sworek Maidan , the vulture measures the wind. When the eagle flies in the sky, paragliding pilots also fly. From there they fly to the skies of Syangja, Palpa, Parbat, Baglung, Gulmi and Arghakhanchi.

David Arofat and Harvey Cerutti, both Swiss nationals, flew paragliding for the first time in February 2002 at Sirkot-Sworek Maidan . That day was called the golden day for Sangjeli. The sun shone on Swarekeli’s watch. That is, the day of destiny began. Two foreign nationals flew from Sirkot Island for the first time.

 Sworek Maidan -Notes Nepal
Sworek Maidan

Decided the future of paragliding. He started promoting Syangja as a paragliding destination in the country and abroad.The Eastern hero came to fulfill the big ambitious dream of the two Swiss citizens. Adventure player Sanobabu Sunuwar. He is Kohinoor for Sangjeli.

The dream that David and Seruti had had was fulfilled by their grandparents. Swarek’s mountains, stones, soil, water forest compared to diamonds and pearls. Sanobabu Sunuwar is not a new name in the field of aviation and adventure sports.

He is the first person to paraglide from dozens of mountains including Russia’s Alburas Mountains, South Africa’s Kilmanjaro, Nepal Mount Everest and Mustang. Sanobabu is the first person to go rafting and kayaking in 32 different rivers of Nepal including Upper Modikhola, Annapurna Base Camp and Marsyangdi.

He is also the first person to climb kayaking in dozens of waterfalls including Balechi Jharna (Sindhupalanchok), Tikhedhunga (Mountain), Ghachok (Kaski), Jalbire (Chitwan).Sanobabu, who has traveled around the country and abroad, defines Sworek Maidan as a piece of heaven.

Her attitude towards Sworek Maidan , her love for her, her responsibilities to her sister and her responsibilities are different from others (home and abroad). That is why he has made Swarek a karmathalo. They work day and night to make Swarek the best destination in the world. They want to throw their last breath in the land of Sworek Maidan .

Babu is also the director of Adventure School, Sunuwar. It was established in 2016. This is the first school in South Asia. Prior to this, an organization called Babu Adventure was registered in 2010. Hundreds of students (home and abroad) have been produced from the school.

There are ample examples that the day has come, not to be taken lightly by children.Swarek Maidan is a great place for paragliding.Sworek Maidan  is suitable for both ‘Cross Country’ and ‘Accuracy’. The importance of paragliding is finally increasing in Nepal after two decades .

The eyes of those who look at him from a negative point of view while flying paragliding in Swarek Maidan in the early days are now open. We are eager to take the day from Swarek. ‘He says there is a possibility of paragliding on dozens of high hills in Syangja.

Sanobabu is in the rhythm of being known as the father of air sports in the world. Simple, soft-spoken, outspoken, he promises to fulfill his dream. He is believed to have said that the world is not impossible.International Year (2017) and World Cup (2018) Paragliding competitions have been completed.

Krishna Jung KC of Babu Adventure Club claims that the name of Air Sports Nepal has been written in golden letters in the world after completing two international competitions. He claims that taking off from Swarek Maidan (flying) and landing on the bank of Andhikhola is different.

Local youths are working to make the village prosperous in the form of air tourism. Homestay has been started in every house. Local leader Lok Bahadur Thapa says, ‘Tourism is the mainstay of village development. There is no alternative to tourism for the prosperity of the country,

‘Syangja is a rich district in terms of geography, climate and security. “Tourism has immense potential,” said Anant Kumar Shrestha, vice-chairman of the district tourism committee.Endangered vultures (especially Egyptians) abound in the sky of Sworek Maidan . Sworek Maidan -Notes Nepal

Sworek MaidanAccording to environmental theory, vultures are considered to be very suitable for human habitation around the place where they live. In Sworek Maidan  the vulture measures the wind. When the eagle flies in the sky, paragliding pilots also fly. From there they fly to the skies of Syangja, Palpa, Parbat, Baglung, Gulmi and Arghakhanchi.

People’s representatives, civic leaders, social activists and others are engaged in the campaign to make Sworek Maidan the air tourism capital of the world.

Andhikhola Valley has been constructed as an aviation zone. The aerial stadium flying zone has been cut.

It has already been passed by the Council of Ministers. Andhikhola Air Stadium is considered to be the best in terms of take off, landing and flying. In Pokhara, Sworek Maidan  is being looked at as an alternative to paragliding.

Therefore, the federal, state and local governments have shown special interest in the protection, promotion and infrastructure development of Sworek Maidan .


Where is Sworek Maidan  ?

How to reach Sworek Maidan  ?

what is Sworek Maidan famous for ?


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