Zen Meditation Method Of Buddhist Monk: How simple, How useful?

Zen Meditation

Zen Meditation, A meditation life done by a Buddhist monk has now become a race. Where we are all running to win. Stop running around for a while and think you are satisfied with your life? The answer is no. There is a big difference between living a life full of virtues. You can have a luxurious life. But is your mind calm? This is an important line that separates the living and the dead.

Stop running for a while and go to a peaceful place and review your life. In this case, Jane can practice meditation to achieve peace. This is a very old method. Which can be important to bring peace in your life.

Zen Meditation
Zen Meditation

What is Zen Meditation?

Zen meditation comes from the name ‘Zazen’. It is very popular as a meditation practice of Chinese Buddhism. Jainism was started by the Indian Buddhist guru ‘Bodhidharma’. It is religiously practiced by monks in Buddhist monasteries. When people see the living culture of Buddhist monks and understand how they gather so much material despite their limited resources, they are amazed. But the reason is that they have peace.

Zen Meditation


The Benefits of Zen meditation

This is a simple way to meditate. But the benefits are many. It helps you stay mentally calm as well as heal physical stress and pain.

This type of meditation is a very important way for a person who is constantly trying to cope with and overcome various types of stress. Zen meditation in spiritual language helps to reconnect your mind and soul. Which gives you a clear path and answers to all your worries.

When you meditate on it regularly, you may end up feeling less than expected. This means that you have reached a state of calm. At this point the worries of human life are gone.


Zen Meditation
Zen Meditation


Zen Meditation : Way of Meditating


One of the most important factors in Zen meditation is posture. However, before that, you should wear loose clothing. Also, keep your room light. Now sit in full or half lotus position (Padmasana or Palenti). If you are new to meditation, you cannot sit in this posture. In this case, you have to keep your spine in a normal position no matter how you sit. It is important to take care not to put any pressure on the spinal cord and body muscles.

Make worldly money with your hands. This posture helps to bring stability to the mind and helps to focus the mind very well while meditating.


The Yoga


Close your Eyes Partially

In regular meditation, the eyes are normally completely closed, but in Zen meditation, the eyes have to be partially closed to increase alertness and prevent drowsiness. Focus on one point though and don’t be distracted by having your eyes open.

Breathe properly

Breathing is a very important step in Zen meditation. In this, you should keep your mouth completely closed and breathe through your nose. Focus on breathing in and out. Count your breaths to increase alertness in meditation.

Zen Meditation
The Yoga

Keep the Brain Calm

As you meditate, a variety of thoughts come to your mind. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. You should not feel its presence and you should not ignore it. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.


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