Reiki: Natural Healing Method

Reiki : Natural Healing
If you are looking for a natural way to reduce stress or calm the body. A good alternative to this is this method . The practitioners spread their palms on the patient’s body, which helps in the transmission of energy to the patient’s body. This is a Japanese method, used all over the world. Mikio Usui developed this system in 1922. The palm of the hand is used in this treatment method.

There is still a lot of research to be done on the effectiveness of Reiki. It cannot be taken as an alternative to any drug treatment. There is no specific research on how it affects the body. However, studies have shown that it is an effective treatment. It had a good effect on many people. The Reiki procedure is considered completely safe.

What is Reiki Healing?
The word Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words. ‘Ray’ means higher power and ‘Ki’ means life energy. It is naturally spiritual. But, it has nothing to do with religion. This method is based on the idea that the energy of life keeps us all alive. It flows through the body in a certain way.
Under Reiki, energy can be transmitted to the patient’s body through the palms of the hands. According to this method, the handkerchief is placed in a special way. According to this method, the handkerchief is placed in a special way. Of course, there are different ways of practicing it now.

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How is Reiki Done?
It is considered to be done in a peaceful environment. However, it can be done anywhere. It is done by putting the person to sleep or sitting down. There is no need to undress for this. The melody can also be played if the client so desires.
In this process, the person doing Reiki places his hand on the patient’s head, forehead, etc. and changes the shape of his hand within 2 to 5 minutes. During Reiki, the hands are placed in 20 different places on the patient’s body. The light touch of the palm makes you feel warm and rippled. The instructor keeps touching the place with his hands as long as there is energy transmission.

What are the benefits?
According to Reiki experts, this process allows special energy to be transmitted inside the body. It makes you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually calm and happy. Helps to control anxiety, stress, depression. Similarly, It is said to be beneficial in heart disease, infertility, Crohn’s disease, etc.