Sankha : Why It is Important to Play Sankha in Religious Activities ?

Playing Conch
Sankha shells are played during morning worship or at a religious ceremony. Why are conch shells played? Probably interested. Because we are just following it as a tradition. However, playing Sankha shells has special meaning, importance and benefits. There are special benefits to keeping, playing and using water properly.

Benefits of Playing Sankha
1. The conch has religious significance. It is considered auspicious to keep or play conch shells originating from the sea at home.
2. It is also scientifically important. The sound produced by playing the conch destroys many harmful bacteria in the environment.
3. Lung exercises exercise the lungs. Asthma sufferers are encouraged to inflate balloons in the same way that a conch shell can be used to keep breathing.

4. It is also customary to store water in the conch and drink it. Khama water contains properties like calcium and phosphorus. It works well for bones and teeth.
5. According to Vaastu Shastra, conch has some of these properties, which flow positive energy in the house. The sound of the conch awakens the sleeping land.

To Relieve Constipation
If you have constipation, you should keep the conch filled with water. Consuming the water on an empty stomach in the morning cures constipation.
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For Eye Health
To keep the eyes healthy for a long time, the eyes should be washed with water kept in the conch overnight.

For Facial Beauty
If the water kept in the conch is massaged on the face, it brings natural glow to the face.
For the Hair
The hair should be washed with rose water mixed with the water kept in the conch, the hair becomes strong, soft and thick.

What is Sankha?
One of the fourteen gems obtained from Samundra Manthan is the conch. Conch has a special significance in Hinduism. It is seen held in the hands of Mother Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu. It is believed that playing the conch will remove the disorder in the air. It awakens the earth.