Spiritual Path of Knowledge : Knowledge That Takes You Near to Nirvana

Spiritual Path of Knowledge

Spiritual Path of Knowledge, The wise are constantly situated in the essence. Who is wise? Let’s look at ourselves to see if we are wise, is the mind satisfied with the soul or with itself or does it wander outside? From this one knows how wise one is. One who travels on the path of knowledge will sooner or later reach the goal.

When one’s intellect does not accept the word of knowledge, then the apta purusha advises him to purify the mind by the same means by understanding the official distinctions like Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Gyan Yoga or what his ability is. In this way, it is reasonable to preach karma according to authority with knowledge as the goal.

Spiritual Path of Knowledge
Spiritual Path of Knowledge


The one who is happy in himself and the one who is happy in God are both the same. Both of them have the same instinct as a child – they don’t think much. Even if the mother beats him, he loots her in his arms. This is the state of the wise. They have no recourse but to God. Even though the body is big, the devotee is like a child by nature. An older child, he eats his own food, his mother does not care much for him. As a small child, a godly mother cares for her food, clothing, and so on.

Spiritual Path of Knowledge


Knowledge is always kept away from those who are not sattvic but have Raj or Tamoguni. When one gives up desire, then wisdom is stable but cannot be given up. For this, the means of Karma Yoga is explained which is perfected through Karma Yoga, which is called Sthitaprajna. Someone’s intellect is sharp, while someone’s intellect is sharp. Ordinary behavior or worldly knowledge is something that falls within the intellect which is not knowledge in the real sense.

Must Read


Real knowledge can come from experience. From this one experiences truth and gets rid of untruth. In the Gita, Lord Krishna reminds Arjuna that O Arjuna! The wise devotee should be greedy, lust less and simple like a child. But within him all desires exist dormant which begin to awaken as he grows older. Therefore, those who acquire knowledge and become unmoved are stable, while those who are unmoved with ignorance are like children.


Spiritual Path of Knowledge
Spiritual Path of Knowledge

Parrot etc. also speak, but speech is not everything. If there is peace in speech, he is a man of peace. When he can remain calm even in the face of some anger and resentment, he is said to be truly calm, then real peace remains.

The development of children and sages is opposite. As the child grows older, so does the disorder, and as the child grows older, so does the disorder. Runs from bottom to top and from top to bottom. When we were little, the elders used to say, first we can read and eat. At that time, I thought, let’s eat first and read! But now I know that only after reading can I find food.


Spiritual Path of Knowledge
Spiritual Path of Knowledge

That is, A means to earn and B means to eat. First Karma Yoga and Gyan Yoga. Even though there is hatred, those who consider themselves wise are of a lower level than those who do good deeds. Whatever a pure heart does, it is fine. He who abides by his own will, who follows his own will, is a seeker. In Siddha such a process happens automatically and the seeker follows him because the seeker also has to be wise.


Balmiki Ashram : Religious, Mythological and Historical Site of Chitwan