Manamohan Adhikari : The Brightest Communist Leader in Nepal

Manamohan Adhikari

Manamohan Adhikari, During the Rana rule, family members who understood the importance of education used to go to India to get education. The movement of the Indian people against the British rule for independence also had an impact on the Nepali youth studying there. Manmohan Adhikari was one of them. He was first arrested by the British and imprisoned in India for participating in the Quit India Movement of 1999.

Manamohan Adhikari
Manamohan Adhikari

Due to his contacts with Indian communist leaders in prison, he became associated with communist ideology. After living for a year and a half, he worked in different parts of India for about five years. He started working as a chemist in Biratnagar Cotton Mills with the aim of leading the movement in Nepal. Manmohan, who began his political career with the Indian War of Independence, led the workers’ movement in Biratnagar in 2003. Manmohan was jailed for three years in connection with the labor movement.

The Communist Party of Nepal was founded in 2006, when Manmohan was in jail. As soon as he was released from jail, CPN (Maoist) founder leader Pushpalal came to Raxaul to meet him. After the cordial meetings and discussions held there, the CPN (Maoist) maintained a cordial relationship and played a leading role. During the anti-Rana struggle in 2007, he was arrested by the Salvation Army of the Indian Socialist Party and detained for 12 days.


Communist Leader Nepal
Manamohan Adhikari

He became a member of the Politburo from the party’s first conference held in Calcutta in 2008. He was elected General Secretary from the first general convention held in 2010 BS. At the same time, when Manmohan had to go to China for treatment, Keshar Jung gave Rayamajhi the responsibility of acting general secretary. At that time, there were many political ups and downs in Nepal, which the leadership could not understand. Due to which many differences were seen in the Communist Party.

Manmohan Adhikari was arrested from Biratnagar in the case of Poush 1, 2017 BS and was released towards the end of 2025 BS. Some have been accusing Manmohan Adhikari of being a ‘monarchist’ since his release. However, he never bowed before the king and the panchayat and proved the allegations against him wrong. He was concerned about the split in the Communist Party, so a three-member central nucleus, including Manmohan Singh, was formed to advance the cause of unity against partition. Without being able to increase the effort of unity, division started within the nucleus.

Manamohan Adhikari
Manamohan Adhikari


He became increasingly concerned about the growing divisions within the Communist Party. After that, he remained silent for some time. In 2028 BS, Manmohan Singh, who was a leader without East Koshi provincial cadres, opened a separate party called CPN (Manmohan) in 2036 BS and became the General Secretary. A referendum was announced on May 23. Manmohan Adhikari presented five preconditions to make the referendum fair and free of rigging and also sided with the multi-party system. During that time, he was insulted by pro-Panchayat thugs in various places. However, he did not waver, reaching out to villages in 60 districts seeking votes in favor of the multi-party system.

After announcing the victory of the Panchayat in the referendum, they protested and condemned the referendum saying that it was not fair. Then the repression of the Panchayat rulers intensified. Even though he led a small party at that time, he stood against all forms of oppression and tyranny and continued to show solidarity in the anti-Panchayat struggle. Peaceful and determined officials stood firm in favor of democracy.

Communist Leader Nepal
Manamohan Adhikari


He was promoted to B.Sc. He was arrested on the first day of the Jana Andolan in 2046 BS. After the Jana Andolan, the leaders of the Communist Party, divided into factions and sub-factions, began to work for mutual unity. After the people’s movement of 1946 BS, the CPN (Marxist) led by Adhikari and the CPN (ML) led by Madan Bhandari merged to form the CPN (UML). He became the unanimous chairman of the party formed after the unification.

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In the fifth general convention of the CPN (UML) held in 2049 BS, he was re-elected as the chairperson. In the 205-seat general election held after the restoration of democracy, the UML won 69 seats and elected him as the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament. In the mid-term elections held in 2051 BS, UML emerged as the largest party in the parliament with 89 out of 205 seats. As the largest party, the UML formed a minority government. Manmohan Adhikari was sworn in as the first elected communist prime minister in history.

The left-wing government led by Manmohan Adhikari launched a popular program. It was rumored that the 60-year-old communist regime would be killed. That was refuted by the officer, not by reason. During his tenure, popular programs like old age allowance and ‘Let’s build our own village’ were implemented. Even now, the CPN (Maoist) has taken its political height from the contribution of officials.

The Manmohan Singh-led government, which ruled for only nine months, has established itself as the most pro-people and popular government in Nepal’s history. The basis of Manmohan Adhikari’s government was the continuous political struggle since 2003 and the sacrifices made by the people. As long as Manmohan remained in power, he worked for the people. Therefore, he became the heritage of hope for children, young and old. The people wanted to see Manmohan Singh run a majority government, even though he was removed from the minority government by a foreign power that could not be seen to have worked to provide relief to the people.

Manamohan Adhikari
Manamohan Adhikari

In the general election to be held in 2056 BS, after the party put forward the slogan ‘the next government is not of the minority but of the majority’, he started engaging in party work with more vigor and vigor to give meaning to that slogan. He was convinced that his party would win a majority in the elections and with the same confidence he actively participated in the constituencies from Mechi to Mahakali.

In the context of the election program, he suddenly fell ill while returning home after addressing the election meeting of Constituency No. 1 Gothatar under Kathmandu District on April 20. After that, he was taken to the teaching hospital for treatment for 7 days. However, it did not succeed. Fighting for the nation and the people, joining the UML’s resolve to form a majority government for the sake of the people, Manmohan Adhikari passed away on April 29,. A heartfelt tribute to Janneta Adhikari!


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