Guru Nanak : Who Is Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak? Know Everything

Guru Nanak

Guru Nanak father Kalyanaraya invited his friends and acquaintances to perform the Yajna. Putting the child Nanak in the seat, the priests asked him to recite some mantras. At that time, Nanak asked the purpose of performing Yajna. Born into a fanatical Hindu family, he asked such a big question on the day of Yajna.

Guru Nanak
Guru Nanak

But, calming down, he reminded Guru Nanak by the priests, ‘Now your Yajna is being performed. According to the dignity of the religion, this sacred rope is worn by every Hindu through this ritual. According to the religion, you are born again only after the sacrificial rites are completed. That is why you are being initiated according to this religion.

Nanak asked, ‘But this is a thread. Isn’t it dirty? ‘

The teacher said, “Yes, but it can be cleaned.”

Again Nanak asked, “It can be broken, can’t it?”

The Guru said, “It can be broken, but it is possible to wear a new one.”


Sikh Religion
Guru Nanak

Nanak thought again, “Is it possible to burn with the body after death?” What is the use of wearing it if one cannot keep the sanctity of one’s body, soul and self-sacrificing? None of the Guru Purohits present there could answer this question of Nanak. Again Nanak asked, ‘Guruji, if there is no Yajna that is never dirty and never broken? If so, wear it. ‘

Most philosophers have been established by such sharp questions since childhood. Whether Guru Nanak or Vivekananda or Shankaracharya. Everyone’s similar life stories can be heard. They have all been established in the society due to their different philosophies.


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One of such philosophers is Guru Nanak, the promoter of Sikhism. The story of his struggle from the beginning of his life is different. Her mother’s labor pains also started with the frightening roar of the clouds, the flash of lightning and the feeling of rain. That pain did not give birth to only one Nanak. A new theory has also been born.

Although his actual birth took place in the month of Chait 1487, his birthday is celebrated in Kattik by combining the extra month and the date. During his lifetime, Guru Nanak held the view that no human being should be considered as his own and as a stranger. In his view, God does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of what they worship and not on the basis of what they do not worship. He taught us to believe in our deeds more than to believe in God.

Guru Nanak
Guru Nanak

He described ego, anger, greed, attachment, and lust as life-destroying factors. He advised everyone to stay away from such factors. He spoke in support of the US Alliance, but said that maintaining some independence was important for women.

When an atmosphere of hypocrisy, superstition and many anti-social evils was created in the society. At a critical time when the climate of inequality, untouchability and anarchy flourished (1487), Guru Nanak did his best to bring spiritual consciousness into the mainstream.

The Sikh Religion
Guru Nanak

Nepal entry of the Sikh Religion

Following this principle, he became a theologian. Today, his theory is accepted by some 30 million people. Of that, about 20 million live in India alone.

According to Nepal’s Census 2068, the total number of Sikhs in Nepal is 609. This is especially the case for those who have come to Nepal to work in the business and service sectors and have taken Nepali citizenship by settling here. Although Sikhs have been migrating to Nepal since the time of Jung Bahadur Rana, the settlement of Sikhs in Nepal started in 1931 when the then government invited Sardar Manohar Singh to Nepal for a water project.


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