Vegan Diet : Everything You Know About Vegan Diet and Importance

Vegan Diet
Vegan Diet, the consumption of vegetarian food is increasing all over the world. Today, many people in Nepal, India and other countries seem to be attracted to a vegetarian diet.
Vegan food is not just a vegetarian food, it is one step higher than pure vegetarian food. Not only meat or eggs, but also all kinds of dairy products like milk, curd, ghee, mohi, cheese etc. are also banned in the vegan diet. Many people who eat such foods do not even consume honey. Only grains, vegetables, fruits, and dried fruits are used in this type of food.

What not to eat in a vegan diet?
The vegan diet includes fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts. Meat, fish and dairy products are also banned. Vegan food contains a wide variety of nutrients. Which are as follows.
Some people think that a pure vegetarian person cannot be healthy and nutritious. But this is an illusion in itself. Protein is an essential element for our body. Which helps to repair muscles and to perform many functions of the body. Protein contains 20 amino acids. In which 11 amino acids are made by the body itself. The remaining 9 amino acids we get from food i.e. food and beverages. Such amino acids can be found in foods such as pulses and nuts. For this, it is not necessary to use only animal meat and animal products.

Vegan foods are also a good source of protein for humans. For example, lentils, soybeans, rajma, corn, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, tea powder, broccoli, etc. can be found in this type of food.
Iron, vitamin B-12 and anemia
Dietary iron tends to be in the form of ice and non-ice. Snow iron is often found in meat or dairy products. While nonheme iron is found in tree fruits such as spinach, lentils, soybeans, green leafy vegetables, etc. Studies have also shown that vegetarians can eat enough fruits to make up for iron deficiency. In which the amount of vitamin C is also sufficient. For example, coriander, lemon or sour fruits are a source of iron.
Similarly, vitamin B-12 is a vitamin that helps in the production of red blood cells. It can also cause anemia due to lack of vitamin B-12. But cashews, nutrition, etc. contain foods that contain vitamin B12.

Some people think that to meet the need for omega 3, you should only eat fish food. But even for vegetarians, nutritionists say that there is enough food to provide omega-3. Omega 1, Omega 3 and Omega 6 should be sufficient to keep the body healthy. Its most suitable sources are okhar, tea seeds, sesame seeds, green vegetables etc. Some healthy fatty foods are also suitable for vegetarians. For example, almonds, coconut oil, etc. are also important.
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Zinc and calcium
In addition, some other essential nutrients in the vegan diet, including zinc and calcium are very beneficial. Gedagudi, various species of seeds, rajma etc. are also major sources of zinc. Sesame seeds, almonds and green vegetables are the major sources of calcium.

Vitamin D
To make up for vitamin D deficiency, you need to bask in the sun for 20 minutes every morning or evening. If you are severely deficient in vitamin D and you are unable to sit in the hot sun, your body may also be deficient in vitamin D.