Super Food : 13 Super Foods, Which Increase The Ability To Fight Disease

Dry foods
Super Food, Food is the source of most of the nutrients the body needs, which we consume. Foods found in nature have their own nutrients. The body needs a balanced amount of all of them. A balanced nutritious diet is essential for a healthy life.
If the balance of food can be maintained along with physical activity, the effects of common diseases will not remain. Because it strengthens our immune system.
Here are some ‘super foods’ that can be consumed regularly to avoid the fear of disease.
1. Neem leaves
Neem leaves are readily available. From neem leaves to seeds, bark is considered to be beneficial for all health. Neem toothpaste is an excellent alternative for cleaning teeth. Of course, eating neem leaves directly can be very bitter. Grind it to make a bullet. Therefore, it should be taken regularly on an empty stomach.

It purifies the blood, naturally. Boosts immunity in the body. Also removes skin related problems. Bathing with water mixed with neem leaves does not cause skin diseases.
2. Saffron milk
Consumption of saffron milk gives strength to the body. It has good effect on skin, hair and eyes. At the same time, consumption of saffron milk is also considered beneficial in sexual weakness. It is better for pregnant women to drink saffron mixed milk. It benefits both the mother and the fetus.

3. Ginger
Ginger is easily found in the kitchen. It not only enhances the taste of vegetables, it is also beneficial for health. Especially if you are suffering from cold, you should make ginger tea and drink it. It also works as a medicine for external injuries. Ginger juice is useful to prevent hair loss and hair growth.

4. Basil Leaves
Basil is considered to be a very important plant in Ayurveda. We also worship it by planting it in the yard of the house. Basil is actually a multipurpose plant. Eating 5-7 basil leaves daily increases immunity. It should be consumed by making basil tea in cold or cold, it is beneficial.

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5. Yogurt
Yogurt contains these microbial bacteria, which are considered to be very beneficial for the digestive system. Consumption of yoghurt can get rid of stomach related diseases. However, yogurt should be consumed only in the morning or midday meal. Consuming yogurt at night is considered harmful.

6. Green Tea
Green tea is one of the best sources of antioxidants. Green tea is also useful for keeping the stomach clean and purifying the blood. Green tea contains such elements, which increase the body’s ability to fight disease. It is considered to be effective in keeping skin, hair and bones healthy. Studies have shown that green tea also has anti-cancer properties.

7. Wheat Leaf Juice
Wheat leaf juice is very useful for health. However, very few people know about it. Wheat leaf juice especially protects against asthma, throat infections, cold, runny nose and epilepsy.

8. Turmeric
Many take turmeric as a common spice, which affects the color and taste of vegetables. Although turmeric is not only a spice, it is also full of medicinal properties. Turmeric strengthens the body’s immune system. It is also useful to reduce body pain. Turmeric can also be used to whiten hair and skin.

9. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is used to enhance the taste of many dishes. Its consumption not only enhances the taste, but also enhances the immune system. Its intake helps in controlling blood sugar level. Therefore, the use of cinnamon in food is beneficial.

10. Garlic
Garlic, which is used in the kitchen every day. It can be eaten cooked or raw. Garlic contains Vitamin B-6, Vitamin-C, Iron and Phosphorus. It also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Consumption of garlic enhances immunity.

11. Dry foods
Dry foods should be consumed regularly. Consumption of cashews, almonds, etc. also enhances immunity. Dry foods contain omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin E.

12. Foods rich in vitamin C
Fruits like lemon, orange, amla, kiwi are good sources of vitamin C. Consumption of such fruits also increases the ability to fight disease.

13. Seasonal fruit
Nature has given fruits according to the needs of our body. In that season, the body needs the same nutrients. Fruits are obtained accordingly. So you should consume fruits according to the season. Fruits help boost the body’s immune system.

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