Rituals of Hinduism : 16 Rites From Conception to Burial

Rituals of Hinduism, Hinduism is the major religion of Nepal. It contains sixteen sacred rites. Due to the antiquity and vastness of Hinduism, it is called ‘Sanatan Dharma’.
Like Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam, etc., Hinduism is not a religion founded by a particular person. It is a vast blend of different religions and beliefs from ancient times. According to Maharshi Veda Vyasa, sixteen different sacred rites are performed from birth to death.

1. Fertilization
Regarding the conception ritual, Maharshi Charak has said that keeping the mind happy and strong is necessary for conception. For this reason, men and women should always be happy if they want to eat northern food.
At the time of conception, the minds of men and women should be full of excitement, happiness and health. In order to have the best offspring, first of all you have to perform a fertilization ritual.

The offspring originates from the coincidence of parental secretions and semen. This coincidence is called conception. Physical (sexual) contact between a man and a woman is called fertilization. There are many types of natural defects that can occur after a miscarriage, and it is believed to protect the fetus.
It is mentioned in Hindu scriptures that a good and worthy child is born from a methodically conceived conception.
2. Punsavan Rites
Punsavan rites are performed three months after conception. After three months of gestation, the fetus’s brain begins to develop. At this time, the basis of the rite is prepared in the fetus by the Punsavan rite. The baby begins to learn in the womb. An example of this is Abhimanyu, who was taught Chakravyuh in the womb of his mother Draupadi.
3. Seemantonnayan rites
Semantonayan rites are performed in the fourth, sixth and eighth months of pregnancy. At this time the baby growing in the womb is getting ready to learn. In the same way, his mother behaves, behaves, and behaves in such a way that he acquires knowledge of good qualities, temperament, and deeds. In this process, it is important for the mother to study calmly and cheerfully.

4. Jatkarma
Practicing Jatkarma with the birth of a child removes any kind of defects from the baby. Under this, the baby is licked with honey and ghee. At the same time Vedic mantras are recited so that the child is healthy and long-lived.
5. Naming Ceremony
Naming ceremony is done after Jatkarma. The name is also the basis of a person’s identity. The practice of naming is also a method in Hindu scriptures. On the 11th day after the birth of the baby, naming ceremony is performed.
According to astrology, the name of a child is determined.
Many people name their baby after anything, which is wrong. It affects his mentality and his future. Just as wearing good clothes improves one’s personality, having a good and meaningful name affects one’s whole life.
6. Niskraman
The expulsion ritual is performed in the fourteenth month of the child’s birth. Exit means to get out. Our body is made up of earth, water, fire, air and sky, which is called Panchabhuta.
That is why the father prays to these gods for the welfare of the child. They also wish the baby longevity and health.
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7. Annaprashan
The feeding ritual is performed when the baby’s teeth come out, i.e. at the age of 6-7 months. After this ritual, the child is fed. In the beginning the child is fed the best kind of grains, such as kheer, khichdi, rice etc.

8. Chudakarma
The act of cutting the hair of the head for the first time is called Chuda Karma Sanskar or shaving. When the baby is one year old, then the hair of the child is shaved at the age of three or five or seven years. It is believed that this ritual strengthens the child’s head and sharpens his intellect.
It also kills germs in the baby’s hair, which helps the baby to recover. It is believed that after coming out of the womb, the hair on the child’s head is given by the parents. There is a belief that after shaving, it is removed and purified.
9. The beginning of Education
There is a difference of opinion among our teachers about the order of the rites of initiation. Some teachers are of the opinion that there should be a Vidyarambha ritual after Annaprashan, while others consider this ritual appropriate after Chuda Karma.
The baby starts talking right after eating. For this reason, the rite of initiation after eating seems appropriate. The purpose of education is to acquaint the child with the elementary level of education.

In ancient times, when there was a gurukula tradition, the child was taught the alphabet at home before being sent to study the Vedas. His parents and teachers used to teach him oral verses, myths, etc. so that there would be no difficulty in the gurukula.
10. Ear piercing
Ear piercing ritual means piercing the ear. There are five reasons for this, one, to wear jewelry, two, piercing the ears according to astrology stops the bad influence of Rahu and Ketu.
Similarly, third, it causes acupuncture, which improves blood flow to the veins leading to the brain. Fourth, it increases hearing and even prevents some diseases. Fifth, it is believed that it also strengthens the sexual senses.
11. Sacrificial
Yajnopavit is also called Upanayan or Janeu Sanskar. Every Hindu should perform this rite. Sub means together and Nayan means to carry.
Upanayan is the work that the Guru takes with him. This tradition continues even today. There are three sutras in the Yajna. These three deities are symbols of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. It is believed that the baby gets strength, energy and speed from this ritual. It is also believed that spirituality is awakened in the child.

12. Vedarambha
Under this one is given knowledge about Vedas.
13. Keshant
Keshant means to end or terminate the case. Even before studying, hair is shaved or shaved. Purification is necessary before learning, so that the brain works in the right direction. In ancient times, Keshant was performed even after receiving education from Gurukul.
14. Consolidation
Samavartana samskara means to come or return again. This ritual is performed to bring the person back to the society after receiving education from the ashram or gurukula. Its purpose is to prepare the celibate person psychologically for the struggles of life.

15. Marriage
It is important to get married at the right age. Marriage rites are considered to be the most important rites. Under this, both the bride and groom get married together with the resolve to follow the religion. Marriage not only contributes to the development of creation, but also to the spiritual and mental development of the individual.
From this rite, a person is also freed from patriarchal debt.

16. Funeral rites
Funeral rites means funeral rites. According to the scriptures, after the death or renunciation of a person, the dead body is dedicated to fire. Even today, the body is taken away by lighting a fire in front of the funeral procession. This is the fire that burns the leopard.