Top 10 Nepali News Sites

- Khabarhub(
- , literary meaning of News Center is a digital media branch of Pavilion Media Group, a private media house. Established in 2017, this media organization aims at defending and preserving the free press, liberal values, democratic norms, and protecting people’s rights.Our mission — as a newly-focused digital organization — is to disseminate, inform and uphold generous journalism, and establish a deeper set of relationships with our readers and audience with a totally new approach. We act more as a social network.Responsible journalism is our commitment. Therefore, we play the role of an independent watchdog. We exercise full-fledged Editorial independence. Our strength lies in the advanced equipment, acclaimed journalists, and professional staff.We rely on our own database, research tools, technological innovation, investigative manuals, standard training, and other resources and instruments for journalists. Khabarhub uses standard modern-day digital media theory and practice, media ethics and professional standard.We offer news, informative features, opinion, analysis, and investigative contents. We are committed to cover a wide range of issues and topics. We bring accurate real-time news update round the clock to our readers in Nepal and beyond. Source @khabarhub)
2. ( is Nepal’s first news portal and provides in depth insight into the country and rest of the world. It delivers fresh and credible news, all-encompassing views and a variety of interactive content that comes together with contemporary multimedia practices. )
The Kathmandu Post, the country’s leading English-language daily, was launched in February 1993 as Nepal’s first private-run English-language broadsheet. The Post is the second-most widely read paper in Nepal after its sister publication, the Nepali-language Kantipur daily.
Since establishment, the Post has cultivated a reputation for reliability, veracity and breaking news. The Post’s political, business, sports, and arts and culture reporting are supplemented with opinions from some of Nepal’s, and the wider world’s, leading intellectuals and analysts.
Since July 2009, the paper has been producing a weekend supplement–On Saturday–focusing on long-form journalism, satire and creative non-fiction. Apart from its regular pages and weekly supplements, the paper also publishes yearly special issues, such as on the Gregorian New Year and on its anniversary in February.
More recently, the Post has begun conducting investigations into corruption, malpractices and sexual harassment.
With an estimated daily readership of over 750,000 readers, both on the web and in print, the Post has developed a new language to tell Nepal’s stories in English to both local and international audiences.
The Post is committed to ethical journalism that privileges facts and the truth.
Online News Portal from Nepal.
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In pursuit of truth’ sums up what the Republica, and its web version, are all about. That is our calling, and our crusade. We will speak truth to people; we will speak truth to power.
The Annapurna is your one-stop guide to all the important developments in politics, business, society, entertainment, technology, automobiles, travel and much-much more. Our goal is to keep our readers informed and entertained with our eclectic selection of news, views and reviews. The Express, Annapurna Media Network’s first and only English language product, is targeted at thoughtful readers with high purchasing power. We are not just another news weekly, but a newspaper that is going to be read all through the week for our exclusive and targeted contents.
Nepal Broadcasting Channel Pvt. Ltd. (NBC) is a single owned network having its corporate office in panipokhari, Kathmandu. Under the flag mark of Nepal Broadcasting Channel, NEWS24 NEPAL as its name suggest is a complete 24 hours high technology based Premium News Channel.
Broadcasting media has become inseparable throb of mankind and it possesses tremendous power to stimulate and alert people in more effective way than any other means. NEWS 24 NEPAL has created a benchmark and set new legendary era in the history of Nepali media.
Our focus will always be on quality and no compromise will be accepted with credibility, impartiality and accuracy. We pledge to reflect news as a mirror with every single scoop in a different angle. We are the most respected and ground breaking news channel of Nepal.
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9. s an online news portal for all type of Nepali national, International, entertainment, business, sports, culture etc. The news are updated 24/7 365 days a year.
10 . Online destination for Nepal news, views, reviews, features, blogs and audio video content covering Nepali politics, society, market, arts, entertainment and sports.
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