Resunga of the hills to evade the heat of the Tarai

Resunga Hill
Resunga : Due to the delay in the arrival of monsoon in Nepal, the heat has increased across the country at this time. At this time when the premonsoon is weak, the heat has increased in different parts of Nepal. The combined high pressure air, including the water vapor generated in the Arabian and Bay of Bengal, is the mainstay of Nepal’s monsoon.
The monsoon was expected to start in the first week of July in Nepal. But as the first week passes, it is getting very hot all over Nepal. As the speed and influence of the westerly winds decrease, it rains and people feel relieved as the rising temperatures come into balance.

According to meteorologists, there will be extreme heat in the hilly region for another year. In the Terai, it will be hot for a long time. According to meteorologists, the monsoon, which should have arrived last year, will be delayed by one year this year. Due to the delay in the rainy season, the temperature in the Terai has increased more than in the hilly areas of Nepal. Meteorologists have estimated that the maximum temperature in the main Terai areas of Nepal has reached 43 degrees.
While the Terai and the surrounding areas are experiencing extreme heat, Gulmi has not been affected much. Gulmi is known as the best place in the hilly region to evade the heat from the Terai. Tamghas is the district headquarters in the middle of high hills like Resunga Ajun in the district. Resunga, 2300 meters above sea level and Arjun Danda at an altitude of 2000 meters are the best places to escape the heat of the Tarai.
The number of people coming to Gulmi from various places including Butwal in the neighboring Terai has increased to observe the Resunga and Arjun areas with the breathtaking view of the cold wind. Gulmi has become a major destination among the hilly districts even though people have migrated from the district to the Terai to enjoy the rising summer with the cool climate of Gulmi.
The district headquarters Tamghas can be reached from Butwal, Gulmi district, which is close to the Terai district, through a 115-kilometer paved road. There are enough vehicles to come here. While the heat in the Terai is increasing day by day, the maximum temperature in Gulmi Tamghas has reached 27.

The number of people coming from the Terai to observe Resunga has increased along with the cold wind in the district headquarters Tamghas. Along with the district headquarters Tamghas, the number of people going to Resunga to enjoy the cold air has also increased. From Tamghas, Resunga can be reached in 25 minutes by car and on foot. Reaching Resunga, one can observe various religious sites and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Free plain food and bamboo for the residents of Resunga have also been provided through the committee. This is a great time to cool down and observe the Resunga area with the heat. The beautiful view of the open sky in the afternoon can be enjoyed in this season. Resunga is considered to be an area full of religious history and tourist importance.
The significance of the glory here is bizarre. Along with Resunga, there is also a place to hang out and enjoy in the Arjuna area at this time. Arjuna area can be reached after a 20 minute journey from Tamghas. Here too the glory is bizarre. Arjun is the place to reach for cooling with summer. Come to Gulmi to enjoy nature in the rising heat at this time.
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