What Goods Can We Bring From Abroad To Nepal ?

What Goods Can We Bring From Abroad To Nepal

What Goods Can We Bring From Abroad To Nepal ,Poverty is widespread in Nepal. Unemployment is on the rise. According to the Department of Foreign Employment, around 4 million young people are leaving the country for employment and other reasons in different parts of the world.

Educated youths have gone to different countries for employment. But the great festival of Nepalis is approaching in Baradshah. Thousands of young people who have gone abroad are thinking of returning to Nepal and celebrating Dashain with their families. Some have already taken the tickets while others are planning.

What Goods Can We Bring From Abroad To Nepal
What Goods Can We Bring From Abroad To Nepal

The foreigners return home after the festival, just as Chari returns home after nightfall. Many Nepalis have been robbed while returning from abroad. We have also been hearing about the goods brought from abroad not being brought from the airport when we come home to festivals.

Our relatives have been complaining that they have not been able to bring the goods brought from across the seven seas from the airport as they have been found to be bringing more luggage than prescribed by the airport as well as the goods banned by the airport. Some people get into trouble without knowing it, while others get into trouble because of their own negligence. Therefore, Lokpath.com has contacted the customs department of the airport and got information about this.

How much can I bring?
Mobile: A person coming from abroad can bring up to 2 new mobiles and one for personal use. And if it has to be brought above that, customs duty is levied according to the market price.

Television: If you go on a labor visa and return after staying for more than 6 months, there is no customs duty on televisions up to 32 inches. But if you go abroad on other visas and come to Nepal, you will get customs duty.
If you bring a television above 32 inches, it will cost about 12 to 13 hundred more per 1 inch.

Airport Nepal
What Goods Can We Bring From Abroad To Nepal

Alcohol: A person coming from abroad can bring only one liter of alcohol. If you have to bring more than that, you have to pay customs duty.

Laptops, Computers and Other Electrical Goods: Laptops, computers or tablets, watches, cameras, video cameras, cellulars and pen drives are all exempted by the government. A ‘parambulator’ and a ‘tricycle’ for carrying a child are also exempted at the customs.

Instruments: Doctors have to pay customs duty to bring blood pressure measuring instruments, stethoscopes, sports equipment, musical instruments and other items.

Machine: Mixer, juicer, sewing machine, gas table, iron (iron), rice cooker if brought in two places, customs duty will not be levied. If more than that is brought, customs duty is levied.

Cigarettes and other tobacco products: Even if you bring up to 200 packs of cigarettes and 50 packs of cigars, you have to pay 40 percent customs duty. The government has also started preparations to repeal the provision of bringing cigarettes recently.

What Goods Can We Bring From Abroad To Nepal
What Goods Can We Bring From Abroad To Nepal

Jewelry: You do not have to pay customs duty of up to 50 grams when you bring gold jewelry. Five thousand two hundred rupees per 10 grams from 50 to one hundred grams, six thousand two hundred rupees per 10 grams from 50 to one hundred grams, seven thousand two hundred rupees per 10 grams from one hundred and fifty to two hundred grams and one hundred grams per two hundred to two hundred and fifty grams. You have to pay nine thousand two hundred rupees in customs.

In case of silver, if you bring 100 grams of silver, you will not have to pay customs duty. At present, there is no hasty order under the new law. Therefore, there is confusion as to what will happen to the gold that the passengers bring and wear as jewelry.

Also, bring goods from abroad only according to the criteria given on the ticket. Otherwise, you may be upset when you put the goods you bought with the money earned by suffering abroad at the airport.

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