Krem Puri : ‘Mysterious’ Cave, Hard To Get Out!

Krem Puri
Krem Puri : There is such a cave in Meghalaya, India, in a mysterious way. Discovered by scientists in 2016, the cave is believed to be the longest in the world of sand and stone. This frightening looking cave has an amazing entrance, which is no less than a labyrinth. Once inside the cave, it is difficult to get out.
This is the name of the cave, Krem Puri. The 24.5 km long cave is spread over 13 sq km in the green valley of Masinram, famous for its maximum rainfall. The cave was discovered by a team of about 30 scientists. In which geologists, hydrologists, biologists and archaeologists participated. According to the BBC, there are hundreds of interconnected paths inside the cave, which look like a maze.

Its shape is said to look completely different. It is also home to an abundance of animals, turtles, fish, crocodiles, and lizards. The temperature of this cave is around 16.17 degrees Celsius, no matter how much the temperature outside fluctuates. There is no shortage of oxygen, as there are small cracks and two entrances.
There are many unique and mysterious places in the world. One of them is in Meghalaya, India. The name of this cave is Krem Puri.The cave was discovered by 30 scientists in 2016. He said that this cave is the longest cave in the world made of stone. The entrance to the cave can be used to enter the cave. But this cave is no less than a maze. If anyone enters this cave, they cannot come out.
The length of this cave is 24.5 kilometers. The cave is spread over an area of 13 square kilometers of Masinram village. According to Indian media, there are more than a thousand small and big labyrinths inside this cave. But all these chakras are different. Inside this cave, horrible creatures like frogs and fish live.
The temperature outside the cave has no effect. The temperature in the cave is always 16 to 17 degrees Celsius. Air comes and goes from the holes in some parts of the cave. So the amount of oxygen in the cave is not reduced. Scientists have discovered that research includes hydrology, archeology, geology and biology.

They found shark teeth, sea dinosaur bones and skeletons of various creatures. They found the remains of sea creatures 60 million years ago.
There are many places in the world where mysteries make people wonder and think. Many such secrets are also hidden in India, some of which have not been detected till date. It contains many caves, many places, many kills etc. We are going to tell you about one such secret cave of Meghalaya. The name of this cave is Krem Puri, which was discovered in 2016 by a team of 30 scientists. This cave is also called the world’s longest sandstone cave.
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There are random entrances to go inside this cave, but they are nothing less than a maze. Once someone enters this cave, it will be difficult to get out. The length of this cave is 24.5 kilometers and is spread over 13 square kilometers in the plains of Maasinram. According to other media reports, inside this cave there is a tricky cycle of hundreds of interconnected long corridors. Its shape is completely different, making it truly a maze. The fauna, frogs, fish, giant hunter spiders and bats are also present here.

The temperature of the cave has no effect on the outside temperature. In such a situation, the temperature of this cave is always between 16 and 17 degrees. Due to small cracks and two entrances inside the cave, air keeps coming in, due to which there is no lack of oxygen here. The team of scientists who discovered this cave included hydrologists, archaeologists, geologists and biologists. The team also got shark teeth and some bones of sea dinosaurs from here. It is said that they were found in the sea about 60 million years ago.