Nagpanchami :The Historical and Religious Value of Nagpanchami


Nagpanchami is  festival, which is celebrated on the Shukla Paksha Panchami date of the month of July, the snake is worshiped, i.e. Nag Panchami is the day of snake worship. It is a festival of reverence and faith. On this day, it is considered auspicious to worship Lord Bholenath, i.e. Shiva, who wears a snake. There are many legends related to snakes in Nepal. Among them, Gorakhnath got angry and made the snake his seat. It had not rained for 12 years and he had to bring Guru Matsyendra Nath of Gorakhnath.


Origin of the Nagpanchami

There is not much contradiction between snake species and snakes. To this day, snakes are still found. All snakes are descendants of Kasyapa sage. There is a difference between a snake and a serpent. Nag Kashyap is the son of Kadru’s wife and Serpent Kashyap is the son of Krodhavsha. Poisonous animals like snakes, scorpions etc. were born out of anger. According to the Puranas, in ancient times, the snake species associated with snakes lived in human Kashmir. Later, all these people of Nagkul started living elsewhere.

Ashtakul of the Serpent

Kashyapa, the sage’s wife, had eight sons. From which 8 clans of snakes developed. Which are as follows. Infinity (remaining), 2. Vasuki, 3. Takshak, 4. Karkotak, 5. Padma, 6. Mahapadma, 7. Conch and 8. Kulik.

In some Puranas, the names of the Ashtakula of the serpent are found as Swasuki, Takshak, Kulak, Karkotak, Padma, Shankha, Chud, Mahapadma and Dhananjaya. In some Puranas, there are five main names of snakes, namely, Ananta, Vasuki, Takshak, Karkotak and Pingala. Sheshnag, or Infinity, accepted Lord Vishnu and his younger brother Vasuki as Shivaji’s servants.

Snake Puja

These eight clans are divided into Nal, Kawardha, Phani-nag, Bhogin, Sadachantra, Dhandharma, Bhootnandi, Shishunandi or Yashanandi Tanak, Tusht, Airavat, Dhritarashtra, Ahi, Manibhatra, Alapatra, Kambal, Anshatar, Dhananjay, Kalia, Saunfu, Daudhiya. Kali, Takhtu, Dhumal, Fahal, Kana, Gulika, Sarkota and other snake tribes appeared. The Agni Purana describes 80 types of snakes. Among them Vasuki, Takshak, Padma, Mahapadma are famous.

In the Puranas, there is a description of a separate world of snakes, Nagalok. From time immemorial, the existence of snakes has been associated with gods and goddesses. The remaining umbrellas can be seen on the heads of Jain and Buddhist deities. The dominance of the Naga caste can be seen in Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Kerala and other states of India. The names of some snakes are also mentioned in the Atharva Veda. In which the names of snakes like Shwitra, Swaj, Prudak, Kalmash, Greva, Tiricharaji are found.

Snake Lady

Many incidents of marriage between a serpent and a man are found in the Puranas. Arjuna of the Mahabharata was married to Ulupi, the serpent maiden of the underworld. Bhim’s son Ghatotkach was also married to Nagakanya Ahilvati.

Nagalok in Nagpanchami

The land inhabited by snakes is Nagalok. There are seven abysses – abyss, abyss, abyss, abyss, abyss, abyss and abyss. Out of these, there is a community called ‘Krodhavash’ in Mahatal. Among them are Kahuk, Takshak, Kalia and Sushen. Vasuki Nag lives in Nagalok of Hades.

Snake clan

All of them were snake worshipers. So they named the Ano clan after the snake species. In the name of Takshak Nag, one person started ‘Takshak’ clan. In the Mahabharata, the person who killed King Parikshit was also Takshak. Later, Parikshit’s son Janmajaya took revenge on Takshak and the entire Nag clan.


The ‘Naga Adivasi’ is also believed to have a relationship with the Nagas. According to the Puranas, at one time the Naga community ruled over the whole of India (including Pak-Bangladesh). There is a long tradition of Takshak, Tanak and Tusht Naga dynasties. In Nagavanshi, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, etc. were people from all communities.

Snake and snake species : Nagpanchami

Just as there are Suryavanshi, Chandravanshi and Agnivanshi, there is also an ancient tradition of Nagavanshi. During the Mahabharata period, there were many groups of Nagas in India. He was especially dominant in Assam, Manipur, Nagaland and other areas connected with Mount Kailash. They were known as Nagavanshi because they were snake worshipers.

According to some scholars, the Saka or Nag caste lived across the Himalayas. Tibetans still call this language ‘Nagbhasha’.
According to one theory, they were originally from Kashmir. The Anantnag area of ​​Kashmir was their stronghold. Other hilly areas including Kangra, Kullu and Kashmir are still inhabited by Brahmins of Nag caste. In the snake genealogy, ‘Shesh Nag’ is considered to be the first king of snakes. Is considered. The rest of the serpent is also called eternal. After the rest of Vasuki and Takshak and Pingala. The kingdom of Vasuki was close to Mount Kailash. According to a myth, Takshak had established Takshakshila (Takshashila) and used the name ‘Takshak’ from his name.

What is done in Nag Panchami?

In the picture of the snake, milk, curd, akshata, flowers, dubo rakhi are pasted on the door of the house with the help of cow dung. Winter is considered to have started from today. There is a religious belief that posting a picture of a snake on this day will not cause lightning in such a house and there will be no fear of fire and snakes. According to astrology, the lord of Panchami Tithi is the snake god. It is not considered auspicious to plow the land or lay a foundation on the day of Nag Panchami as there is a possibility of snake deity living in the land and digging the land will cause trouble to the snake.

Mantra to pray for the snake after the snake sticks.

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