Devchuli Danda Of Nawalparasi Becoming A Tourist Destination

Devchuli Danda
Devchuli Danda in East Nawalparasi is becoming a tourist destination. Recently, internal and external tourists have started coming to Devachuli Danda for trekking. According to Bal Krishna Adhikari, Chief Administrative Officer of Devchuli Danda Municipality-6 and Bulingtar Municipality-4, the Tinkanya Maiko Temple, Golpokhari Peace Park and the Magar culture have started attracting pedestrians. Tourists have started coming to see the Tharu culture of Nawalpur and the wildlife including tigers, elephants and rhinos in the intermediate forest.

Chairman of the Devachuli Danda Tourist Area Infrastructure Development Committee, Padma Raj Giri, said that infrastructure should be built to develop the entire tourism sector by publicizing the religious and historical and archeological significance of the Devchuli Danda area. Here, the committee has built a 23-foot-high view tower on a 1,936-meter-high hill. It is easy to see the panoramic view from the watchtower.
The Devachuli Municipality and the Bulingtar Municipality need to come up with a joint plan to identify Devachuli Danda as the only suitable place for trekking in East Nawalparasi. “We are working together for the betterment and promotion,” said Shashikiran Bastakoti, chairman of Bulingtar village municipality.
The number of domestic tourists coming here for trekking is very high. The number of foreign tourists visiting here is low. With enough publicity, Devachuli Danda can become an excellent tourist destination. Arrangements have been made at the foot of the temple for the construction of three Kanyamai temples and drinking water to organize worship at Devchuli Danda
Devchuli Danda , a tourist destination, has been overshadowed due to lack of infrastructure. This area, which is on the border of Devachuli Municipality and Bulingtar Village Municipality, has been overshadowed due to lack of infrastructure such as footpath, drinking water and resting place. This area, which is the highest peak of the Mahabharat mountain range under Nawalparasi district, has been overshadowed due to lack of necessary infrastructure. Devachuli Danda, a tourist area at an altitude of about 1,936 meters, offers easy view of the mountains to the north. In the south, one can observe Narayani river, Chitwan National Park area, plain terrain along with settlements on east-west highway.

Despite being a scenic place, the Devachuli hill area has been overshadowed due to lack of necessary infrastructure. The area, which can be reached after a three-hour uphill walk from Kirtipur in Devachuli Municipality, has natural caves, three Kanya Mai temples, a view tower and other structures. There is even a legend that five Pandavas hid here in ancient times.
The region, which is also religiously important, would have become a destination for internal and external tourists if it had access to footpaths, resting places, drinking water facilities and proper publicity. The Tharu community worships here every year on the full moon day of Chait. On this day, a fair is also held here. The Tharu community believes that worshiping here will bring happiness and prosperity to their clan.
Though discussions have been held to make Devchuli Danda a trekking destination by including this area along with the houses established in Narayani area in the intermediate zone of Chitwan National Park, no concrete action has been taken yet.
At different times, industry associations, local level and organizations working in the social sector have been organizing walks, festivals and publicity to introduce this sector. But no initiative has been taken in the construction of infrastructure.

Chief of Devchuli Danda Municipality Purna Kumar Shrestha said that there is a plan to build infrastructure to develop the area as a tourist area.
“We have made a plan for its development. We are currently working on a road ring road. We have discussed to include Kirtipur along with the roundabout to cover this area as well,” said Chief Shrestha. Chief Shrestha said that discussions are underway to expand the footpath in Devchuli Danda and operate houses in the area.
Gandaki has also included Devachuli Danda of Purwanwalpur in Nawalparasi in the list of major tourist destinations of the state. It has been listed as a major tourist destination of the district as it is an area with major potential for tourism and is a scenic place. At present, the number of domestic tourists visiting Devchuli Danda is low.

Raju Chapagain, a social youth engineer from Devchuli Danda , said that tourists could not reach due to lack of infrastructure. “We have been conducting Devachuli trekking program at different times, but due to the inability to build some necessary structures, the important tourist area of the district has been overshadowed,” said Chapagain.
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