Shaligram :Its History



Shaligram is a special type of rock found in the Kaligandaki river area from Kagveni of Mustang to Devghat. And this area is called ‘Shaligram area’. Among the many types of stones found on the banks of the Kali, the stone with special properties is called Shila instead of stone.While discussing Vishnu, it seems necessary to discuss about Shaligram, Muktinath and Kaligandaki of Nepal. Because he grew up on the shores of Kali, many people may not know about it.

Among Hindus, he has great religious, cultural and cultural significance. Among the followers of Vishnu, Shaligram is believed to be found according to different incarnations of Vishnu. After the spread of his ancient glory, tourists also buy and sell Shaligram.Devotees come to visit Shaligram in Setiveni on the banks of Kali as it is the largest Shaligram in the world.The Shaligram stone is an idol of Vishnu to be replaced in any Vishnu temple established around the world and a stone to be worshiped in the homes of the people as the Panchayat deity. Even if the idols of Vishnu are carved, they are carved on the Shaligram rock.

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Shaligram- Notes Nepal

Those who search for Shaligram look for these stones from Kaligandaki. Shaligram is basically a very black and very hard fossilized rock. These rocks also have to have special qualities. In all three, certain types of density, color, smoothness and special shape of the chakras are also present. That is why Shaligram is not only important but also rare and valuable. As a result, the number of people seeking him and doing business abroad has increased, making them even more rare.

To know the importance of Shaligram, one has to understand that Shaligram rock is a rare rock. And more importantly, one has to understand the importance of Muktinath in the Vedic tradition, which is also called ‘Shaligram Temple’ by some Hindus. This The temple is a common and sacred pilgrimage site for Vishnumargi, Shivamargi and Buddhamargi.

Muktinath is a rare pilgrimage site where the Panchamahabhutas have appeared together and naturally since time immemorial. Remember, according to the Vedas, the life of a taxable being becomes possible only in the presence of the five great beings (fire, air, water, earth and sky). In that temple of Muktinath, water and fire have sprung from the earth at the same time, which must have been the presence of air and sky. So, there are five great beings appearing together.From time immemorial, the Panchmahabhuta has been worshiped by Hindus as the navel of Vishnu, the ruler of the biological world. This place is also considered as a holy place of pilgrimage for Buddhists as a place of penance for Buddhist Guru Padmasambhava and Buddhists also come here with equal importance.Therefore, the water of Kaligandaki originating from this Muktinath falls down and flows into Kali river coming from North Mustang and flows to Devghat until it merges with Trishuli and turns into Narayani river. The reason for this is that according to the mythological beliefs, Vishnu resides on the Shaligram rock.

Shaligram- Notes Nepal

On the other hand, gold is often mixed in Kalika rock. The black and hard rocks cut by Kali not only give black color to Kali but also add pure gold to Kalika sand. So how many people have been extracting gold from the sand of Kali and making a living from it since time immemorial. Pure gold has long been considered a symbol of purity and holiness, since it does not rust and never deteriorates.The fact that Kali’s stone is mixed with gold may have helped him to be considered holy. This is also a matter of research. It is said that the devotees of Vishnu do not find the end of the stone with the same properties as the stone of Kali, which seems to be a subject of research.

Shaligram is a special type of rock found in the Kaligandaki river area from Kagveni of Mustang to Devghat. And this area is called ‘Shaligram area’. Among the many types of stones found on the banks of the Kali, the stone with special properties is called Shila instead of stone.While discussing Vishnu, it seems necessary to discuss about Shaligram, Muktinath and Kaligandaki of Nepal. Because he grew up on the shores of Kali, many people may not know about it.

Among Hindus, he has great religious, cultural and cultural significance. Among the followers of Vishnu, Shaligram is believed to be found according to different incarnations of Vishnu. After the spread of his ancient glory, tourists also buy and sell Shaligram.Devotees come to visit Shaligram in Setiveni on the banks of Kali as it is the largest Shaligram in the world.The Shaligram stone is an idol of Vishnu to be replaced in any Vishnu temple established around the world and a stone to be worshiped in the homes of the people as the Panchayat deity. Even if the idols of Vishnu are carved, they are carved on the Shaligram rock.

Due to such mythological beliefs, a Hindu believes that before visiting the Chardham, one should visit Muktinath and take a bath in the 108th stream. This 108 is also a very important issue in ancient religion and philosophy, which is delightful to explore. Due to the mythological beliefs associated with Muktinath, even Hindus from South India and far-flung countries used to come here for pilgrimage after months of arduous trekking. Let it be a matter of interest to find out more about Muktinath, which has been given great importance by the followers of Vishnu.

What does the mythological depiction of Vishnu show?

On the whole, the mythological depiction of Vishnu shows that time (Ananta-Sheshnag) on ​​the basis of Brahman (vast ocean), pervasiveness and continuity of virtue and virtue on the basis of time (Vishnu), instability and conflict-adjustment (Shiva) on the basis of eternal virtue Lotus), and among those laws are the asymmetries and the inevitable diversity of creation (Brahma).Because of these, harmony and stability are possible in natural systems. Self-adherence, co-operation and co-adherence of objects and systems are possible.Sleeping comfortably without seeing Vishnu in a state of aggression shows the vastness of virtue and the control of the virtues of all objects and systems.

In the courtyard of ever-awake time, material objects merge into Khelebrahm for the rest of the epoch. Vedic thinkers have spread the image of Vishnu in the society to fulfill this philosophical idea through idols, paintings and exciting stories. Human society can also be easily governed by self-discipline and culture practiced individually and at home. A system of governance based on such self-discipline and culture is sustainable.Governance based on punishment and force is short-lived. Therefore, a system of government or human system should be made sustainable on the ground of good culture, which is the basic message of Vishnu. Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay.


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