+2 Colleges In Kathmandu: List of The Best Top 10 +2 Colleges

+2 Colleges In Kathmandu
+2 Colleges In Kathmandu, are the education level which you will have to join after the completion of SEE examination. There are many +2 Colleges In Kathmandu, but all of them are not best. Few among 100’s of colleges in Kathmandu are the best where they not only provide a better education but also a good learning environment. In addition to the studies, Students and Parents search for these features :
- The Location and College Building
- The College Dress
- The Teacher’s Faculty
- The Previous year’s result of HSEB
- The Extra Activities and The Sports
- The Discipline
Today, we will help you to find a better +2 Colleges In Kathmandu, by describing every possible features.
1. Prasadi Academy Higher Secondary
Location-Man Bhavan, Lalitpur
This college is one of the best+2 Colleges In Kathmandu. There are about four dozen classrooms in the small unit building. Some of the tin-roofed buildings are already under construction and some are under construction. There are no big buildings or big playgrounds here. There are no flashy banners, boards or graffiti. The magnificence of the educational results within this physical structure of the Prasadi Academy, which seems unattractive, is just the opposite. In the last eight years, he has managed to maintain the same result. The student pass rate has never fallen below 98 percent.
According to director Bikram Rai, the role of the teacher is only a facilitator. Students are taught how to read, not how to read. That’s why the results have been consistently successful, says operator Rai. He says, “If we can instill in the student the feeling that we should study, we don’t have to worry that the study will be ruined and the future of the student will be ruined. Reading is something that can never be done in life. So we only teach how to read here. ”

For the best results, Prasadi has bound the teachers and staff in a certain way, which has an impact on the student’s learning. There is a separate counseling team to assess student behavior and strengths / weaknesses. Teachers have long / short term training. Besides, the operator Rai himself is under surveillance day and night. He himself arrives at the classroom and observes the reading. As a result, Prasadi Academy,+2 Colleges In Kathmandu has been able to achieve quality results.
Prasadi does not have any school and campus level programs. Prasadi, which is run on a single management and one-program basis, has only higher secondary programs. Prasadi, which teaches only science and management, has not changed much in student enrollment. Last year, 614 students in class 11 took part in regular examinations from this higher secondary school. Out of them, 98.21 percent passed. The result of class 12 is not much different.
2. St. Xavier’s College
Location – Maitighar, Kathmandu
This College is another best +2 Colleges In Kathmandu. The college does not have its own bus. No mandatory attire. Students can go to college in the clothes of their choice without looking flashy. “There is no uniform but there is a unit of heart,” explains Principal Father Augustine Thomas SJ. According to Thomas, this is not a decision to be imposed, it is an age and level to develop decision making ability. After understanding the structure of the discipline, the student must decide for himself what is right and what is wrong.
Notes are not written here. The teacher communicates with the students. They give an idea about it. And, the student is activated for further research and development. Students share their findings with others. The student discusses it. Students who do not understand ask questions. They argue because they understand. Then, a conclusion is reached and the lesson moves on. Thomas adds, “The intellectual level of the students studying here is very high as they are selected from many students. Therefore, it should be taught concept-based, not note-based. ”

Established by the Nepal Jesuit Society, the college previously taught ISC at Tribhuvan University. It joined the Higher Secondary Education Council only six years ago. The college, which teaches only science groups at the higher secondary level, has been achieving excellent results since its inception.
Extracurricular activities are also organized and organized by the students. The teacher only monitors. Students even manage the expenses of some programs. Various clubs and groups are formed for extracurricular activities. “Leadership, creativity, and the culture of working in groups are what students achieve through collaboration with students,” said Principal Thomas.
3. St. Mary’s High School
Location- Jawalakhel, Lalitpur
This College is another topmost +2 Colleges In Kathmandu. St. Mary’s High School has set its basic values, not only to be a winner in the competition, but to be a good winner. This motto not only evokes a sense of competition in the students, but also urges purity and morality. According to Principal Sister Jesse CJ, reading a book is not the only knowledge, instilling a sense of human values and social responsibility in the students is the greatest knowledge, this higher education.
Family environment, diligent teachers and agile administration are the hallmarks of St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School. CJ says, “The main goal of education should be to make the things learned in school useful and inspiring in the social and professional fields. That is what we are striving for. ”Students are encouraged to be creative at St. Mary’s, where only female students study. Because of the interactive approach, students have the opportunity to express their ideas and strategies.

Teachers are trained to create an environment where students can think and reflect as freely as possible. Therefore, in most educational activities, the teacher is only a helper. Principal CJ says, “We don’t tell students to do this or that. We act as a catalyst for their ideas to flourish. ”
Here the teacher enjoys teaching the students so that they do not become a burden. Punishment is not on the school menu. Good work is considered the first condition of discipline here.
4. Military Residential College
Location- Sallaghari, Bhaktapur
This is one of the most strict +2 Colleges In Kathmandu. The Military Residential College, run by the Nepal Army Welfare Fund, has been on the list of the best higher secondary schools in Nepal since last year. In order to maintain the quality of education, attention has been paid to the recruitment of teachers. Teachers are selected on the basis of written, oral examinations and her presentation in the classroom.
Principal Shamim Anwar Shamim says that it has been possible to achieve good results as the students have been prepared for the exams in groups, additional classes have been arranged for the weaker students and continuous assessment of the students has been established. “Learning will be more effective when a good classmate is asked to take extra classes,” says Principal Shamim. “If the knowledgeable student develops more abilities, the weaker student will be able to ask questions without hesitation.”

Parents’ Day is celebrated on Saturday to make parent meetings regular and to collect suggestions. There are different programs for each class. There, students show off their talents. The parent then discusses with the teacher. Such practice makes the school feel under constant parental supervision. Students are not allowed to get lost.
They are aware of their goals. Colonel Jeevan Thapa of the Nepal Army, who is the liaison officer at the college, says that efforts are being made to prepare capable citizens to reach any field in the future not only academically but also according to the interest and ability of the students. According to him, extra-curricular activities are equally important, where there are 36 extra-curricular activities a year.
5. Global College of Management
Location – Baneshwor, Kathmandu
This college is the best management +2 Colleges In Kathmandu. There is no DI in the name of the head of discipline. Instead, psychological counseling changes students’ attitudes. There are only women psychologists. “In the past, we used to punish people for discouraging undisciplined activities. Some were even expelled. There is no need to expel him now, ”said Principal Khagendra Prasad Ojha.
In order to maintain the academic quality in the teachers, it is not enough to select talented teachers, it is also necessary to pay attention to their professional development, said Principal Ojha of the college. According to him, regular attendance, presentation and creative competitions related to the subject are organized in the college, which awakens the spirit of competition in the students as well as makes the knowledge and understanding of the subject indelible.Teachers, staff and students create their own code of conduct.

The bill is discussed in the style passed by the parliament, but the responsibility of implementation is not given to others like the parliament. Whoever passes it must sign a letter of commitment to implement it. Monitoring of various bodies has shown that this model of a public limited company not owned by any individual is useful and effective in the field of education. “Even the University Grants Commission has presented this college as an example by including the suggestion that educational institutions should be run from this model,” says Ojha.
Here the student evaluates the teacher twice a year. The marks obtained from the students are the basis of the professional development of the teacher. Since they have to be tested regularly, there is no room for teachers to compromise or neglect the quality of education. Ojha says, “We are succeeding in our journey to become a unique and exemplary educational institution in the country.”
6. Kathmandu Model Higher Secondary School
Location- Bagbazar, Kathmandu
This is the best science +2 Colleges In Kathmandu. Kathmandu Model Higher Secondary School, which has a high enrollment and high pass rate, has more than a thousand students in the science and management groups every year. Here, first of all, the teacher-student is understood to be the ‘transit’ of the higher secondary level study period, which includes age characteristics, sensitivity of physical and mental emotional aspects and future academic instincts of the student.
Teachers and students are directed to make this period fruitful within the scope of discipline. “We don’t compromise on discipline,” says director Dhruv Bhattarai. “That’s the key to our success. “To reduce the distance between the teacher and the student, separate departments have been set up for each subject, where one or the other teacher should be ready at any time to help the student. Director Bhattarai says that excellent results have been achieved due to the experienced, trained and highly understood teachers.

To reduce the distance between the teacher and the student, separate departments have been set up for each subject, where one or the other teacher should be ready at any time to help the student. Director Bhattarai says that excellent results have been achieved due to the experienced, trained and highly understood teachers. The final decision is made by the student.
According to Director Bhattarai, since the measure of scholarship is an internal examination, those who get the facility once do not stay stunned for the whole year, but work hard to maintain it. Director Bhattarai claims that since the beginning of the class, teaching has helped in the preparation of medical, engineering and chartered accountancy entrance exams, which has made it easier for the students to reach their future educational destination. The college, which is operating in 11 buildings, aims to reach the university structure within the next 10 years.
7. Xavier Academy High School
Location: Lazimpat, Kathmandu
This college is among the most expensive +2 Colleges In Kathmandu. The slogan is low student, high quality, Xavier Academy. Emphasizing on interactive teaching methods, this higher secondary school regularly conducts student presentations, field trips and group exercises in the classroom. “We just create the perfect environment. The hard work of the students is the main thing, ”says Prakash Shrestha, head of administration. “Maintaining teacher-student closeness is a better learning environment than forcing strict rules.”

Competitive extracurricular activities between the six educational institutions under the Nepal Education Foundation also involve the students of Xavier Academy, which provides an opportunity to enhance the competitiveness of the students and showcase their talents in a wide range. “This platform is useful for developing not only the academic but also other aspects of the personality of the student,” says Shrestha. “Maintaining teacher-student closeness is a better learning environment than forcing strict rules.”
In this higher secondary school where science and management are taught in two groups, teaching is taken forward with the Plus Two level as the foundation of professional life. The Xavier Academy, which was once the choice of students carrying the purpose of studying abroad, has also seen an increase in the number of people seeking future academic scholarship in Nepal in recent years. Plus two studies are also relatively expensive here.
8. Little Angels High School
Location : Hattiwan, Lalitpur
This is another expensive but best +2 Colleges In Kathmandu. Teachers and staff all work in a certain system established in the school. With such a collective effort, Little Angels has been able to sustain itself at best High School for nearly two decades. This higher secondary school adopts special caution in teacher selection. The expert team conducts pre-interviews and interviews. Teaches by attending classes. The teacher is selected only after watching the presentation in the class for a few days, who must become a full-time teacher.
“Not only theoretical knowledge, we also test the ability of teachers to impart knowledge,” says acting principal Padma Bahadur Chauhan. There is a system of study and career counseling to keep the students ready for study and to identify their special qualities. Not only periodic examinations, but also continuous assessment method keeps the students in the grip of qualification. For this, unit examinations are conducted continuously and three quarterly examinations are conducted. Weak students in these exams are re-examined.

The college also considers extracurricular activities as an important part of studying.
Special care is taken to keep the morale of students from remote and backward areas high. A system of regular communication between students, parents and teachers has been established, Little Angels said. “No one should be sure that I have studied in a good college. Because, the risk of getting lost in college age is the same, ”says acting principal Chauhan,“ so we have constant interaction between teachers, parents and students. ”
9. United Academy Higher Secondary School
Location :Kumaripati, Lalitpur
The United Academy has to bring good results even by enrolling more students. Strict discipline, many exams and the arrangement of an educational counseling team to listen to the problems of the students and develop their abilities are the additional features of this higher secondary school. Each subject department collectively determines the teaching method, content and schedule based on the guidelines of the Higher Secondary Education Council. According to Coordinator Basanta Nepali, excellent results have been possible due to the collective efforts of efficient administration, experienced teachers and efficient management.

10.Kathmandu Barnhart High School
Location :Balkhu, Kathmandu
The style of taking exams every week and teaching by assimilating the aspects pointed out by the school examination committee has become effective here, which is considered as the main basis of success, said Associate Principal Purushottam Bista. The committee also suggests ways to improve the education of weaker students and the teachers implement it. Arrangements are made to train the experts in the school. If one teacher is absent, another subject teacher takes the class.

A separate period has been arranged in the routine to check the homework. This is the reason why Bista says that he has been successful in bringing the ordinary students to an excellent status.
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