Anulom Bilom : How to do Anulom Bilom ? What is the benefit?

Anulom Bilom
Anulom Bilom
Regular practice of yoga is essential for a healthy and wholesome life. Therefore, yoga practice should not be missed pranayama, Anulom Bilom. Of course, many have now heard of this pranayam. Some may even be practicing. Those who oppose it may be feeling the effects. Because of this yoga immediately has some effect on your body, which makes you feel differently fresh.

At present, even long-term patients are advised by doctors to perform regular Anulom. However, not only after getting the disease, but also for the disease free life is an indispensable action.
No matter how difficult it is to reverse. In general, anyone can do the opposite. Anulom Bilom is a method that can be done at any age, in any condition, anywhere and anytime. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.
What is Anulom Bilom?
Obstruction of the body’s nervous system can lead to certain types of physical and mental illnesses. Pranayama is practiced for the purpose of purifying the nervous system. So the credit for the success of the whole action of pranayama goes to your concentration and awareness. However, the correct practice of this yoga gives more benefits than other pranayamas.

Pranayama Method
Sit for some time in Sukhasana, Ardha Padmasana, Padyamasana or Siddhasana. You should sit comfortably. The hips, neck and head should be kept in an upright position.
Place the left hand on the knee in a knowledge posture. The thumb of the right hand closes the nose on one side and the other nose breathes at a moderate speed. Now open the other nostril and exhale twice in slow motion. At this time, the other nose should be closed.
Re-open the closed nose in the same way. Take another breath and exhale through the other nose.Thus practice at least 10 to 15 cycles regularly.

- Breathing should be sound less.
- The breathing process should be rhythmic.
- Spread the chest as much as possible
- Quit this exercise when you feel tired
- Inhale for a few moments if necessary. That is, to sleep peacefully.

The Advantage of Anulom Bilom
Makes the brain agile. Makes actionable and sensitive. Destroys disease by establishing physical and mental balance. Keeps the mind calm and happy. It has special benefits in diseases like asthma, heart disease, migraine, sinus.
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