Christmas : The Importance of Christmas ! Why is it Celebrated?


Christmas, The Birthday of Jesus Christ. The biggest Christian festival is celebrated with a variety of events. This festival is being celebrated not only by Christians but also by non-Christians with various entertaining programs. Due to the various signs and symbols associated with this festival, it can be seen that this festival is developing as a common festival for all.

There are various signs associated with Christmas. Snow figures on a green tree, Santa Claus mixed in red and white, and other such traditions are associated with Christmas. We have tried to give general information about the importance and beginning of these festivals.


Opinions of the people of Egypt and Rome about Christmas

People associated with the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Rome decorated their houses with green plants and trees, which are green all year round. They believed that doing so would have no effect on the witches in the house. Demons, demons, and diseases run away. The people of ancient Egypt and Rome believed in the power and beauty of evergreen plants. From that time onwards, we started planting evergreen plants in our homes.

The Party
The Party

Arrangements for special Christmas attire

The tradition is believed to have originated in Germany around 722 AD. St. Boniface, Germany, learned that some wicked man was sacrificing a child under a huge tree. St. Boniface cut down the tree to save the baby. But, another tree started growing near the same tree. St. Boniface began to preach to the people that it was a sacred tree. He compared the tree to God, saying that the branches of the tree had returned to heaven. This has created a lot of respect in people’s minds about the tree.



A story connected with Martin Luther

People also associate it with Martin Luther, the great 16th-century Christian reformer. However, this is not proven. According to this story, on the eve of Christmas around 1500, he was walking through a snow-covered forest. On the way he saw a tree shining with snow. The branches of the tree were covered with snow and shone on the moon. He was impressed when he came home. He planted a pine tree in his house. Many candles were also lit. He planted the tree in honor of Jesus Christ. The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree has started since then.

 Decorating the Christmas Tree

The first Christmas tree was planted by Prince Albert in 1841 in Windsor Castle, England. In Victorian times, candles, cakes, etc. were placed along with these trees. It is believed that when the Lord Jesus was born. At that time, heavenly representatives also came to congratulate Mary and Joseph, her parents.


Santa Claus
Santa Claus

On that occasion, they made a tree shine by reflecting the light of the stars. It is believed that the process of decorating the Christmas tree started from there. Since that time, Christians have believed that happiness will spring up in the homes of those who plant these trees.

Belief in the Longevity of the Life

It is also believed that the practice of lighting Christmas candles dates back to the 17th century. In ancient times, the Christmas tree was considered a symbol of life. It is also considered as a symbol of continuity of life. That is why decorating the Christmas tree at home on this day is said to prolong the life of children.


Positive energy comes to the house

It is believed that placing trees in the shape of a Christmas tree on the basis of the building will develop positive energy in the house. Such triangular trees are considered to be the symbol of fire among the five great beings. Therefore, decorating it is believed to transmit negative energy from home.

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