Brain Stroke : Everything You Need to Know About Brain Stroke

Brain Stroke
Brain stroke is a condition in which the blood supply to a part of the brain is blocked or reduced. Lack of oxygen and nutrients in the brain causes blood to clot between the blood vessels. Due to which the muscles of the brain begin to be destroyed. Due to which the mind loses its control. This is called stroke or paralysis. If left untreated, the brain can be permanently damaged. Which can cause death.

Today, about 80 million people worldwide suffer from this . More than 50 million people are permanently disabled. According to the World Health Organization, the average age of 25 percent of stroke patients is 40 years. With this in mind, World Streak Day is celebrated on October 29 every year. The aim is to raise awareness about stroke prevention, treatment and support. Brain stroke is the third leading cause of death worldwide.
This is because in the event of a medical emergency like a brain stroke, there is a great lack of awareness about its symptoms, causes, prevention and immediate measures. Immediate treatment of brain stroke patients has a 50 to 70 percent chance of recovery.

Major Reasons of Brain Stroke
In today’s busy life, mental stress, lifestyle, smoking, alcohol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, etc. are considered to be the main causes of brain stroke. Apart from these, relaxed or continuous sitting style of work also causes brain and heart related diseases. Due to these reasons, problems like brain stroke are increasing day by day.
Unusual changes in the atmosphere and weather, except for all these reasons. Which is adversely affecting our skin and brain. Many do not know that. The result could be even more deadly in the future. Those who cut down trees are mainly responsible for this.
They are generally ignored. However, one out of every six people suffers from it at some point in their life. In winter, the risk is even higher. Brain strokes are not taken as seriously as diseases like heart attack, cancer and diabetes. Patients with type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of brain stroke. Patients with high blood pressure and hypertension are more prone to it. Contraceptive pills and high cholesterol levels can also lead to brain stroke.

The work of the brain is very important in our whole body. In this case, if other diseases of the body are ignored, it affects our brain in the opposite way. The main symptoms of a brain stroke are crooked mouth, arms and legs, ringing in the ears, headache, blurred vision, difficulty speaking and walking, and back pain. There are two types of stroke, non-bleeding and bleeding. In which the nerves of the brain become swollen and later the nerves rupture.
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Treatment According to the Type of Stroke
Immediate treatment is very necessary in case of this . If such treatment is done within three to four hours of the onset of the stroke, brain damage and potential problems can be reduced. For example, it is necessary to give clot busting medicine within three hours. After the complete examination by the doctor i.e. CT scan, MRI etc., the treatment of stroke is started. The purpose of which is to prevent brain damage.

If the stroke is due to obstruction of blood flow to the brain, the following treatments should be done. Clot-busting drug injection is required within three hours of a non-bleeding brain stroke. In addition, blood thinners should be given. Due to which blood does not clot. In addition, surgery is performed to open the narrowed blood vessels in the neck. If there is a brain stroke due to bleeding, such medicine is given. Which prevents the blood from clotting and helps to normalize the blood.
Surgery is performed to remove blood from the brain or to reduce pressure. Surgery is done to connect the broken blood vessels. Coils are used to stop bleeding. Medicines are provided to prevent or prevent brain swelling. In addition, an attempt is made to reduce the pressure by inserting a tube into the empty part of the brain.

Danger of Aphasia
After a stroke, patients are more likely to have physical and mental disabilities. Which depends on the part and size affected by the stroke. According to a report by the National Aphasia Association, 25 to 30 percent of stroke patients suffer from aphasia. This is a condition that affects the patient’s ability to speak, write and express. This is called a language disorder. This disease is caused by brain tumors, brain infections, Alzheimer’s etc. Aphasia is sometimes seen as a sign of epilepsy or other neurological disorders.
Rehabilitation to reduce the damage caused by Brain Stroke
Rehabilitation is very helpful for tension. Rehabilitation improves the health of many patients. Some patients cannot be completely cured. Dead skin cells, nerve cells cannot be repaired or replaced. But, the human mind is flexible. In this the patient can learn a new way of working using harmless cells. In such a situation, the life of the patient can be made meaningful through proper care and encouragement.