Great Wall Of China : 22 Interesting Facts about Great Wall Of China

Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is a fortified wall made of mud and stone that was built by various Chinese rulers from the 5th century BC to the 16th century to defend against northern invaders. This Great Wall of China is over 2,300 years old. This wall is counted among the seven wonders of the world.

Let us know some more interesting facts about this world famous wall.
Some Interesting Facts :
1.It took about 2000 years to build the wall after the imagination of the former emperor of China Qin Shi Huang.
2. This wall was not built by a single emperor but by many emperors and kings.
3. This wall was opened to general tourists in 1970.
4.Length of this wall is 6400 km. This is the largest man-made structure in the world.
5. When making the wall, rice flour was used to join the stones.

6. It is not a whole wall but is made up of small parts.
7. There are many empty spaces in this wall, if these empty spaces are also added then its length is 8848 km. Will be done.
8. The width of this wall is such that 5 cavalry or 10 infantry can patrol simultaneously.
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9. The height of this wall is not the same. Somewhere it is 9 feet high and somewhere it is 35 feet high.
10. Towers were also built in many places to keep an eye on the enemies coming from far away from this wall.
11. The Great Wall of China was built to defend the country from enemies but was later used to transport and move goods from one place to another.
12. This Chinese wall was built to defend the country but this wall could not remain invincible as Genghis Khan broke it in 1211 and invaded China.
The Chinese Wall was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987.
14. In the 1960s-70s, people started building houses for themselves by removing bricks from this wall but later the government provided security. However theft still occurs today and in the smuggler market it is estimated to cost ई 3 a brick.
One third of the Great Wall of China has disappeared. This is due to the lack of proper maintenance of the wall as well as the effect of weather and theft.

17. It is said that the laborers who did not work hard in building this wall were buried in this wall.
18. According to statistics, about 1 million people lost their lives in making it. This is why this wall is also called the largest cemetery in the world.
19. It is the only man-made structure that can be seen from space.
20. In Chinese, this wall is called ‘Wan Li Chang Chung’ which means ‘Great Wall of China’.
21. About 10 million tourists visit this wall every year.
22. About 400 leaders from around the world, including Barack Obama, Richard Nixon, Queen Elizabeth II and Emperor Akihito of Japan, have seen this wall.
So here are 22 very interesting facts about the Great Wall of China. It is hoped that the Chinese government will take more concrete steps to protect this World Heritage Site so that it can be preserved for future generations.