Brain Exercise : Here are five “scientific exercises” that benefit the brain

Brain Exercise : We have been hearing that exercise is beneficial for us or how it strengthens our organs and controls diseases like diabetes. So we take a ‘resolution’ in the new year, to exercise regularly. But there is more to exercise than that – to be happy, to be optimistic, to expand relationships and to be strong.
People around the world who are physically active are happier and more satisfied. They are more grateful, loving, optimistic, and positive. They are more connected to their community and less prone to loneliness or depression.
These benefits last a lifetime. Why does exercise have so many psychological benefits? The most important reason for this is the effect of exercise on the brain. Here are five reasons why being physically active is beneficial for the brain:
1) Exercise increases contact with others

As much as a runner feels happy while running, so can other exercises. Scientists have long linked this to endorphin hormones, but new studies have linked it to another chemical called endocannabinoids produced by the brain. It is generally considered to be the chemical of ‘don’t worry, be happy’.
The part of the brain that is activated during stress is sensitive to these endocannabinoid chemicals. When these chemicals reach the part of the brain that is activated during stress, it reduces stress and provides satisfaction. Moreover, it increases the amount of dopamine in the brain, which increases the feeling of being more positive and optimistic.
It also helps to expand the relationship by increasing the happiness of being with other people. In this way the relationship can become deeper. Most also exercise to increase contact with friends.
2) Exercise teaches the brain to be happy
Exercise activates the happy and optimistic part of the brain. With regular exercise, the amount of dopamine increases and it eliminates depression.
Exercise can also heal brain damage caused by drug addiction. Drugs reduce the amount of dopamine in the brain, making addicts feel depressed, antisocial, and unhappy. Exercise can reverse this.
Not only addicts, but with age, the brain loses about 13 percent of the dopamine receptors every 10 years. Dopamine receptors are lost when you are less happy each day, but exercise can restore it.
3) Exercise makes you strong
Another effect of physical activity on the brain is strengthening. Exercise reduces stress by increasing the connection between different parts of the brain. Regular physical activity strengthens the brain and keeps it away from fights or fears.
Exercise increases lactate production, which was previously thought to cause swelling in the meat. But it has a positive effect on mental health. After the meat produces lactate, it travels through the bloodstream to the brain. It reduces your stress and frustration.
Sometimes even walking a little makes us feel powerful. When we use it in conversation, we also associate strong words with physical activities, such as lifting heavy objects, carrying loads, walking on fire, removing obstacles, etc.
4) Exercising with others increases mutual harmony and trust
As the French sociologist Emile Durkheim put it in 1912, when working together, singing or walking together, one forgets oneself and embraces the collective spirit. In the same way, when we exercise, do yoga or dance together, we enjoy being together.
Psychologists say that endorphins are a product of collective happiness when they work together in the same way. So those who dance to the same tune can suffer a lot. But endorphins not only bring healthy feelings, but also enhance relationships.
It is a powerful neuro-biological process that builds trust and closeness between people who do the same thing in a group.
Group exercise also provides social benefits. For example, the more you beat, the more your relationship with the people around you increases and it is more positively affected by the music. Doing yoga together and breathing together also increases the collective feeling.
5) New work can change your image

Each time you move your body, each organ sends information to the brain about what’s going on. So you can feel where your hand is even if you move your hand with your eyes closed. The ability of the body to perceive movement in this way is sometimes called the sixth sense. It helps to walk or walk easily, to imagine how and where I am and what others see.
The brain measures how you walk when you engage in physical activity. Physical fitness changes how you look at yourself.
We are born to walk and thus exercise has many effects on psychological and social health. So why not do something new? There is no doubt that exercise makes you healthier, happier and more social.
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