Humla To Kailash Mansarovar : Now visit Kailash Mansarovar from Humla

Humla To Kailash Mansarovar
Humla To Kailash Mansarovar : Dashan of Kailash Mansarovar in Tibet, an autonomous region of China, a holy place of pilgrimage for Hindus, can now be easily reached from Limi in the northern Namkha village of Humla, Nepal. Mansarovar is also known as the only place in Nepal to visit as it can be visited from Namkha Gaonpalika-6 Limi Lapcha of Humla.
Limi Lapcha of Humla has become a new and excellent destination to visit Kailash Mansarovar. The number of domestic tourists visiting Kailash Mansarovar from Limi Lapcha in Nepal has increased this year after China blocked the Hilsa border crossing to Kailash Mansarovar.

Thus, in recent times, Kailash Mansarovar in the Limi Valley has become the only land in Nepal to be visited. Kailash Mansarovar can be clearly seen from Lomi’s Lolung. Not only our ancestors but also the main route to visit Kailash Mansarovar was used till 2060 BS. This area is at a distance of 105 km from Humla headquarters Simkot. If the road is upgraded, it will be possible to move more easily than now.
This famous pilgrimage site, which can be seen from any region when reaching the Chinese territory, can be easily visited from this place only from Nepal. There are also many people who walk from Lomi’s Lolung to see Kailash. This area has also been becoming comfortable in recent times.
Earlier, they used to reach the village of Chhopas north of Kailash Mansarovar from Limi village on horseback. In the past, the locals used to reach the village on horseback. Even so, one can visit Kailash Mansarovar from Limi in a day’s walk.
How to reach Limi Lapcha?
After a four-day trek from Simkot, the district headquarters of Humla, you reach Lapcha in the Limi Valley. You can stay in the village for about two days from Simkot, but you have to carry tents, food and other things for two days.
In two days, you can spend the night with the shepherd, observing the beautiful scenery. Namgel Tamang, president of the Humla Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a resident of Namkha, said that one can easily reach Kailash Mansarovar from Limi Lapcha.
Tamang said, “We have a tradition of searching for salt by putting gold on it. This Limi Lapcha has disappeared.” Although Humla is the only district to visit Kailash Mansarovar from Nepali land, it has been overshadowed due to lack of publicity. He also informed that about 500 domestic tourists visiting Kailash Mansarovar from Limi Lapcha had reached here at that time after the closure due to the Corona epidemic this year.
Religious beliefs of Kailash philosophy
Humli has a religious belief that one can go to heaven by visiting Kailash Mansarovar, a religious place of pilgrimage. The area is considered a holy place for both Hindus and Buddhists. Valrup Bohara, a resident of Simikot Village Municipality, Ward No. 2, said that Hindus reach Kailash Mansarovar on Shravan Purnima every year due to the religious belief of reaching heaven. He says that there is a belief that people will go to heaven after seeing Kailash.
Mansarovar, which is also an attractive tourist destination, is a local landmark. Pilgrims go to Mansarovar all year round, but the easiest time to visit Mansarovar is in July.
Annual festival, achievement zero
The locals have complained that the Namkha village municipality has spent millions of rupees every year in the name of festivals and trade fairs for the promotion of tourism. The village municipality has been spending money every year to attract foreign and domestic tourists.
Not only that, Limi Lapcha has visited the entire staff. But the locals are unhappy that Limi Lapcha has been overshadowed as the village municipality has not shown much interest in tourism promotion. If the village municipality can create an environment to visit Kailash Mansarovar only from Limi Lapcha, it is likely to become the main source of income for the village municipality.
What is Limi?

The word ‘limi’ comes from the Tibetan word ‘lime’. Lime means the area connecting the two settlements in the Tibetan language. The settlement is located on the land connecting the Link River and the Geu Sakcha River, so it is believed to be called Lime. According to local sources, Limi later became Nepali.
Limi has a coat palace in Takchi. Remains of the palace can still be found on the top of Takchi hill. There is a Buddhist monastery near the corner of the apple above the coat. In ancient times, there was a system of government in Tibet. According to this, the rulers who came from Tibet used to rule the then Limi region from the same monastery and palace. Formerly Kot Durbar, between the two rivers that flowed between the monasteries, Lime was the present Limi settlement.
Later, as the regime changed and the influence of both the palace and the monastery diminished, it seems that the Lime settlement also moved away from there. Chairman of Namkha Village Municipality, Bishnu Bahadur Tamang, said that the Lime settlement, which was initially in the same village, has now become known as Limi after shifting to Til, Jang and Halji.
Located in the high mountain plateau region, Limi Valley is a very important region in terms of natural beauty, environment, biodiversity and human civilization and culture. Due to which, the Government of Nepal has still declared Limi Valley as a no-go area. Located at an altitude of 17,000 feet above sea level, the picturesque Limi area overlooking Nyalu Lake is also an attractive destination for both internal and external tourists.
The Limi region is a settlement with indigenous Tibetan culture. It is said that the traditional Tibetan culture, which is not even found in Lhasa, Tibet, is used only in Limi. Since the incorporation of Lhasa into China, the Tibetan culture has been mixed, but Limi still has the living culture of the Tibetan region.
Halji Gumba built in the 11th century

Limi has a Halji monastery built in the 11th century. The last of the 108 monasteries built by the then Lochao (poet) Rinjin Jangwu in India, Nepal and Tibet can be seen in Limi.
It is also very important historically and archeologically. Other monasteries have been built in Ladakh, India, and Lhasa, China. Not only this, this monastery is also considered to be very important for the history of Karnali region as the script of a king of Sinja region of Jumla at that time who believed in Buddhism and worked in this monastery is also in this monastery. The inscription that the king worked in the Halji Gumba carrying soil is still preserved in this Gumba.
Rare wildlife protected area
There are many rare wildlife sanctuaries in Nepal and Limi Valley is one of them. The Limi Valley is home to hundreds of species of wildlife, including forest buffalo, forest horses, forest cats, tigers, snow leopards, snow leopards, deer and bears. On the way to Mansarovar from Halji village in Limi valley, there are many dry grasslands which are also the pastures of Changra and Changra.
Images captured by some automated cameras in the Limi Valley in 2013 also prove that the Limi Valley has unique and rare animals and wildlife. In one of them, a unique cat is also found in this area.
At an altitude of about 4,000 meters and far from the village, this unique cat is said to be an unregistered Eurasian Wild Cat. This area is also said to be very important as an area for observation of endangered wildlife.
Traditional rule remains

Nepal’s Limi Valley is an area where it still has its own internal government. The system of electing a separate representative as the internal leader to do all the internal and external work (except the administrative work of the people’s representative) of the three villages of Til, Zhang and Halji in Limi is still alive. The representative is referred to as the chairperson of all the three villages.
Paljor Tamang, chairman of Namkha village municipality ward no. Tamang said, “Even if the ward members and village officials elected through the local level election on April 13, 2074 BS are considered as government representatives, most of the work in the village is done by the chairpersons elected through the traditional system.”
Even though it was the then Limi VDC, it was limited to one ward in the state restructuring. But now Chiring Tamang in Jang village, Lakpa Tamang in Til village and Chingturup Tamang in Halji village are the presidents elected by the traditional election. “Village leaders have the first say in every task, whether it is choosing a plan or forming a consumer committee, and the practice of implementing the decisions made by the village government by the people’s representatives of the ward and village is still in force in Limi.
Chairman of Namkha Village Municipality, Bishnu Bahadur Tamang, said that the same mechanism would be the first authority to make collective rules on the development of the village as well as other issues.
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