Alzheimer’s Disease : Everything You Need To Know About It

Alzheimer’s Disease
The statistics are alarming, with an average of one person losing memory every three seconds in the world. Especially because of Alzheimer’s. In the past, Alzheimer’s Disease was the only problem for the elderly. Today, even young people and adults are victims.
Stating that the growth rate of this disease has accelerated, it is estimated that the number of people suffering from this disease will increase by 70 million by 2030. According to the World Alzheimer’s Report, 2.29 million people in Asia alone suffer from dementia, compared to 9.8 million in South Asia.

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
With Alzheimer’s, a person’s memory is impaired by drying out and gradually eroding brain cells. It is also called neurodegenerative disease as it is a brain related problem. This disease causes constant damage to the brain cells.
Why Alzheimer’s Disease ?
Age also increases a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Similarly, 70 percent of Alzheimer’s are caused by heredity. In addition, high blood pressure, head injuries, obesity, etc. can also cause this , so in recent times, Alzheimer’s has become a ‘thread’ for the world. Therefore, it is necessary to spread public awareness to raise public awareness about it.

These are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.
– Forgetting (forgetting recent and immediate work done within 48 hours)
– Decreased ability to think
– Changes in behavior
– Difficulty speaking and swallowing
– Increased depression
– And, as the problem progresses, people will stop recognizing the people around them.
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Stages of Alzheimer’s disease
Generally, Alzheimer’s disease has three stages.
Early stage-
In the early stage, the patient’s friends, family and other people may feel this problem. However, people with this disease can easily drive and do other things. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. And, forgetting where you put the word you know or the object you use, having a problem with the name, forgetting what you read, being unable to make any plans.
stage Alzheimer’s disease can last for years if it is in the middle stage. As the disease progresses, the person may need more care. Because people with Alzheimer’s often get confused about the word, and start behaving strangely.
In addition, the person with the problem may forget their past, be moody, forget their home and office address, have difficulty choosing clothes for the weather and special occasions, have difficulty urinating and urinate, sleep during the day instead of at night and be restless at night and change behavior. Begins to show.
Final Stage –
In this stage the person becomes unable to react to the environment around them, communicate with the people around them and control their activities. As a result, as their memory diminishes, so does the person. And, they need to be taken care of all the time, constantly reminded of the environment around them, taught to eat, swallow and talk.
How to avoid ?
There is no definitive way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists are still researching it. However, the risk of Alzheimer’s can be reduced by controlling the risk of heart disease, cholesterol, obesity and diabetes. In addition, regular exercise from a young age can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.