Bihe Ko Lagan 2078 : What Are The Dates for Marriage in 2077

Bihe Ko Lagan 2077
Bihe Ko Lagan 2078, Mangsir is a month of interest for young people who have reached the age of marriage. Even in December of this year, many couples are tightening their ties. Those who can’t afford to get married in November now have to wait for four months to get married. This time, there is no marriage between November and April. Even in November, Lagan came out only after the 15th of this month.

According to the calendar of the Panchang Adjudicating Committee, the four sites that got married in this year’s Masinar are only on 16th, 21st, 22nd and 26th of Mansir. The site of the 16th has passed. Now the site is created only on the 21st, 22nd and 26th.
Experts say that those who want to get married after passing the Mansir site have to wait till Baishas. It is written in the Toyanath Panchang calendar that the belief that a site should not be created to get married on Shri Panchami or Vivah Panchami is not correct.
According to the classical beliefs, 5 months from January 1 to mid-July (except Chait) is considered auspicious for marriage. But this time, there is no marriage in January, February and February, said Surya Dhungel, secretary of the Panchang Judging Committee.
It is not allowed to get married / fast during Jupiter and Venus even during the 5 months of Uttarayan and Mansir. The reason why Lagan did not appear in January this year is because of the setting of this planet. Why didn’t you come in January this year? Secretary Dhungel says, ‘A good site should be created from different angles for marriage. As Jupiter and Venus set in January this year, there is no sign of marriage in January and February. ‘
According to the Panchang Adjudicating Committee, Jupiter’s sunset, which started on January 19, will continue till February 2, while Friday sunset, which starts in January, will continue till the first week of April.

How to get married? Bihe Ko Lagan 2078
The Panchang Adjudicating Committee has its own rules of procedure. Due to the same legislation, the Lagan was held only on the 16th of December this year. Now, Lagan is on 21st, 22nd and 26th. After creating 4 lagans in the middle of 10 days, it has become unpaid for about four months.
According to Surya Dhungel, secretary of the Panchang Adjudicating Committee, a marriage is affected by the solstice, month, date, constellation, extra month, lunar month, four months and so on. These are taken as the basis for determining whether it is a good or bad day and it is also considered important in determining the moment of marriage.
Ayan is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to marriage. In a year, there are two ions, Uttarayan and Dakshinayan. For marriage and fasting, only 5 months of Uttarayan and one month of Dakshinayan are auspicious for 6 months in a year. The month of Chait of Uttarayan is considered unfit for marriage. All six months of Uttarayan are auspicious for fasting.
There is a belief that it is not auspicious to get married even in four months. Due to these four months, the marriage could not be solemnized till December 31 this year. It is not allowed to get married / fast during Jupiter and Venus even during the 5 months of Uttarayan and Mansir. The reason why Lagan did not appear in January this year is because of the setting of this planet.
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In this way, after all the rising and setting in 6 months, the auspicious and inauspicious days of the day are seen. For this, which constellations are auspicious and which are inauspicious are decided. There are a total of 27 constellations. Of these, only 11 constellations are auspicious for marriage and fasting. According to the scriptures, it is considered auspicious to get married in only 11 constellations including Revati, all three Uttaras (North Falguni, Uttarashadha and Uttar Bhadrapada), Rohini, Mrigashira, Mool, Anuradha, Magha and Swati.
Apart from this, one should not get married from Krishnapaksha’s Triodashi to Shuklapaksha’s Pratipada. The wedding day is celebrated without touching these obstacles. In the case of fasting, the bar should also be fixed. For example, fasting on Tuesdays and Saturdays is not considered auspicious.
In the Nepali tradition, the above-mentioned coincidence has not led to a deeper devotion. After discussing the above mentioned subject, auspicious moments are sought according to devotion.
According to Dhungel, auspicious and inauspicious moments are created according to the horoscope of a person even on the date fixed by the adjudicating committee. Not all people are motivated to get married at all.
Apart from this, marriage is also forbidden on the day of the constellation sitting on the sin planet. Then you have to match the auspicious date with the constellation. Even on the basis of auspicious and inauspicious dates for marriage and vratbandha, it is seen that the marriage is not celebrated. For example, only the second, third, Panchami, Dashami, Ekadashi and Dwadashi dates of Shukla Paksha are considered auspicious for fasting, while in Krishnapaksha, Panchami is also considered as an inauspicious date. After combining all these coincidences, it is done.
It is believed that if the wedding of that day takes place in the sin planet or in the eighth place, it will not be auspicious for the marriage. In the same way, the owner of the marriage is in the 6th, 8th and 12th place and after fulfilling the conditions such as not to live on the sin planet, the marriage of marriage finally takes place.