Ringing Bell :Religious And Scientific Reason For Making Bells In Temples

Ringing Bell

Ringing Bell : Each religion has its own culture and customs. There are many more traditional beliefs in Hinduism. Most Hindu temples have bells. This is a religious tradition that has been going on for centuries, but there is also a scientific reason. Which many may not know. Two reasons are explained below.

Ringing Bell
Ringing Bell

Religious reasons
Bells are placed outside, inside, or around the temple. It is believed that the bell should be rung after going to the temple. Therefore, even before entering the temple, the visitor rings a bell. It is mentioned in the prophecy that ringing the bell will take away sin and gain strength. There is also another belief that the sound of the bell sounds sweet to the gods and goddesses.

Scientific reason

Ringing Bell
Ringing Bell

Entering the temple as soon as the bell rings makes the mind clear and aware. At the same time, focusing fully on meditation attracts devotion. Most bells are designed to make a long, sharp sound that resonates for at least seven seconds. The duration of the echo activates the seven therapeutic centers of our body. There is a scientific belief that it helps to remove all the negative thoughts in the brain.

The custom of placing bells in the temple: People who come to visit the temple ring the bell before entering the sanctum sanctorum, the place where the idol is kept. According to the scriptures, the bell rushes away the powers of sin, but the sound of the bell is pleasing to God. A long sound is heard that resonates for at least seven seconds.

mandirko ghanti
Ringing Bell

The duration of the echo activates the seven therapeutic centers of our body. It helps to remove all negative thoughts from our minds. In Hinduism, bells are rung on every religious occasion. The sound of the bell is the identity of every mandi and there is a tradition of ringing the bell in the temple since ancient times. The Aarti of the deity cannot be completed without ringing the bell.

The sound of bells gives positive energy to the mind, brain and body. When Aarti is performed in the temple, the sound of bells awakens devotion in the mind of the people. The sound of small and big bells kept in the temple purifies the atmosphere. The sound coming from the bell is miraculous. The micro-organisms in the air are harmful to our health. Constantly ringing the bell in the temple

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Ringing Bell
Ringing Bell

The sound emitted destroys harmful micro-organisms. The sound of the bell makes the effect of negative energy useless. Asana creates a positive atmosphere. The sound of the bell increases concentration, calms the mind, increases the ability to think, gives birth to religious thoughts and develops intellect. Worship of these idols is more effective and fruitful quickly. According to the Puranas, ringing the temple bell destroys many birth sins. The sound heard at the beginning of creation is the sound of the same bell.

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