Kahun Danda : Attracting tourists Destination In Pokhara
Kahun Danda : Not allowed to go in crowds. You can’t even meet friends. Wherever you go, there is fear in Pokhara. Hundreds of infected people have been reported every day for the past few days. Same infected, same infected! Manoj took a deep breath as he climbed Kahundanda to entertain himself. Manoj had climbed Kahu Danda on Tuesday carrying his family. “It was close to home. The family has brought everyone to stay inside the house to get some fresh air, ‘said Manoj.

Like Manoj, Amrita Regami, who wanted to be refreshed after reaching Kahu, also reached Kahu with her friends. Even though she was close, she finally came after a year. She said that this time she felt more special than before. Singai Pokhara can also be seen up close. Until a few years ago, the locals complained of being neglected even though it had good potential. Kahun Danda

There is a lot of sneezing right now to refresh. The ‘Kahu Dharara’ located on Kahun Danda is closed as soon as the timber is released in Chait. The number of visitors has not decreased even though they have not been able to climb the tower and observe Pokhara. “After the lockdown in Chait, the police came and banned us from entering the tower,” said Indra Bahadur Gurung, chairman of the Kahunkot Deurali Temple and Tower Preservation Committee. Now there is no income. The tower has been closed since April. “It simply came to our notice then. “Everything is closed now. We don’t even have any data on how many have gone,” he said.
He said that before Lakdaun, tourists used to reach only in the afternoon but now they also reach at night. He estimates that figure could be higher than expected. After the reconstruction in 1962 BS, the Kahu Ghotane family has been providing protection to the family by forming a committee in 1971 BS. At present, construction and additional management of toilets is underway in Kahu. Chairman Gurung said that the work was delayed but reached the final stage. The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation has provided Rs. 2.5 million and 440,000 people for the construction of the temple and the tower. Kahun Danda
A huge Buddha Mandala is being formed in Kahu

Another tourist destination is being added in Kahu Dada. The huge Buddha Mandala, estimated to cost more than Rs 50 million, will be built on Kahu Danda. At the same time, tourist attraction in Kahu is expected to increase. The Buddha Mandala is being formed with the support of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Forest and Environment, Gandaki Pradesh, Pokhara Metropolitan City and various donor agencies. Kahun Danda
This huge Buddha Mandala is a five-year plan. The state government has given a grant of Rs 4 million at the rate of Rs 2 million to Rs 2 million in the last two fiscal years. Prem Lama, a member of the Dharmakaya Buddha Mandala Development and Management Committee, said, “The remaining 20 million rupees has been spent on the retaining wall with the remaining 2 million rupees from the state government.” He said that Rs. 3.2 million has been allocated in partnership from Pokhara Metropolitan City. Kahun Danda

He said that the work was carried out as per the plan to expand to other destinations as Nepal was not the main attraction of Buddhists after Lumbini. There is a master plan for the construction of a 56-foot-tall Buddha statue in Mandala. However, due to the Pokhara Regional International Airport under construction, the height of the statue may be reduced. “As one of the lanes of the Pokhara Regional International Airport also falls from here, coordination is being made with the airport on what to do,” he said. Discussions are underway now. That is why the work has been delayed. ‘ Kahun Danda
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