Satbij Charne : Celebrate By Lighting Lamps In The Name Of Deceased

Satbij :Today is the centenary sowing, today is also called Masinr Krishna Chartudashi i.e. Bala Chartudashi and today is considered as a very important day for the salvation journey of the deceased fathers. Today, various Shakti Peeths and Triveni Dhams in Nepal and India are crowded with pilgrims scattering centenaries. Shatavij means seven types of grains to be sown in religious forests such as Kailash Danda, Shleshmantak forest and other forests for ancestral salvation.

These grains include rice, wheat, meat, mugi, kagun, and weeds mixed with saptadhana centipedes and various types of flowers. Centipede sowing has its own customs depending on the place and besides the above mentioned, it is customary to sow centipede with gram, sesame, maize and grains as well as lemons, lemons, bimiro, orange, apple, sugarcane, mango and banana.
In order to sow the centenary in this way, one day before Chartudashi, that is, on the day of Triodashi, it is customary to stay awake at night, light the lamp and chant hymns without blinking one’s eyes. It is believed that the hundreds of seeds scattered on the earth will go to the world of the fathers and germinate and the fathers will never go hungry due to these reasons.
Special fairs are held at Pashupatinath and surrounding areas of Kathmandu including Kirateshwar, Gaurighat, Guheshwari, Aryaghat coast, Shleshamantak forest including Chatara of Eastern Nepal, Barahkshetra, Setiveni Dham of Parbat district, Chakreshwar temple of Gulmi Santipur, Devghat Dham of Nawalparasi, Kshireshwar of Dhanusha and Shivalayas and Triveni Dhams. .
If parents or grandparents, ie grandparents and grandparents or anyone who has to lie within seven generations, cannot fulfill the rules to be fulfilled while lying or barkhi, or if there is any error, on the day of Bala Chartudashi, dip three times in the holy river. There is a belief that lighting a lamp will get rid of all the guilt.
If it is not possible to reach the Shivalaya or Shakti Peeth to light the lamp in this way, it is customary to light a lamp in the house in the name of the deceased with reverence It is also believed that the father swam the vatarni if the vativage flowed easily and the vatarni did not flow the vatarni if the vativage did not flow easily.

The most interesting context today is related to the idol of Ganesha next to the Pashupati Vishwarupa temple. The idol of Ganesha is considered as a symbol of the deaf in the form of deaf ears and therefore the practice of trying to make the idol hear the ears by shouting, shouting and shaking loudly is of great importance at the end of Balachartudarshi.
Bala Chartudashi is also a matter of friendship. If Bala is a demon, his friend Vris is sent by the king to kill Bala. People are suffering a lot because Bala used to scare the relatives of the deceased at Aryaghat and eat the body of the deceased. Vris doesn’t think it is right to kill his friend Bala by deception and within the warm circle of friendship, Bala goes to the mucous forest and does penance for Adidadev Shivaji as he can’t kill him because he is his friend.
Shiva is pleased with Vris’s penance and frees Bala from Asurajuni and orders Vris to scatter centipede to free his friend Bala from sin. This story of Bala and Vris has made it clear that the practice of sowing centenary seeds has started in this way and this day is equally important as an example of friendship. Happy Bala Chartudashi to all of us, may the departed souls have eternal peace and may our friendship remain. Then you will come back with information about another special festival or day. Until then, use our calendar, the most downloaded mobile in Nepal and the most liked by Nepalis.
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Every year from 25th November to 10th December, various activities and programs are organized for 16 days to show solidarity and maintain public awareness against gender based violence.
According to various studies, one out of every three women in the world has experienced some form of violence in their lifetime and most of the violence has been experienced by their close, boyfriend, confidant or spouse. Another study shows that 35 percent of women worldwide are victims of some form of physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. On the other hand, violence against women is sometimes perpetrated by men, which unknowingly hurts women’s feelings. Activities of Violence Against Women Under a wide range of activities, sexual harassment without the consent of women is a form of sexual harassment. Many of us may have the habit of teasing a girl by licking her hips and licking her hips. Should we try to be true to ourselves once?
It is natural to be attracted to the opposite sex, but attraction does not mean violence. There is a need for a generation that can win hearts and minds, not love, not logic, not emotion and body. It is necessary to inculcate the notions of gender equality in the new generation. It is important to teach the art of winning the body, not the body, and a society where men and women walk together.

The United Nations General Assembly in 1999 has decided to observe November 25 as the Day Against Violence Against Women.
The role of women is unprecedented in the development of human life. The life of a person starting from the womb of the mother gradually progresses with the love of sister, wife and co-existence of the society. In the beginning, the first female goose that fell in the form of litto from the drop of milk in her mouth, feeding and giving love by ‘Kokhai Kokhai’ was the mother, but ironically, these same female characters who created the world are still victims of violence all over the world. Today is the day against any kind of violence against women.
There are still reports of violence against women in the daily newspapers, TV or radio. Did this happen at the risk of not bringing dowry in such and such place? The news that this was done on the charge of witchcraft and forcing it on the girl child is heartbreaking. Voices of violence and inequality against women are heard not only in Nepal but also in many developed countries of the world.
Violence against women is a gross violation of human rights, and we all need to be aware of this. Violence against women is also a product of gender inequality and the laws against it have not been addressed. However, in this developed world, violence against women and gender inequality still exists in one form or another. History has shown that in a community where men and women are treated equally and hand in hand at home, the family is always at the forefront of community development infrastructure and awareness practices. Programs to make women literate and aware through women’s education, adult education and various non-formal education are being run at the grassroots level through governmental and non-governmental means that educating one mother is educating the whole family. Gender equality is essential for peace, security and prosperity.
The pages of history bear witness to the fact that in the practical rules of the Vedic Sanatan Hindu and our Vedic tradition, our society, even on the banks of the river Indus, this dignified civilization has given equality and respect to both men and women. Worshiped goddesses, the custom of treating daughters and daughters-in-law as synonyms of Lakshmi, the Panchakanyas required in every pooja or yajna, and the custom of the virgin, the living goddess, are all rites of respect and reverence for women.
In our society too, there is a lot of discrimination between sons and daughters. The son’s actions, the son must be the aunt and the daughter goes to a stranger’s house, the habit of speaking as a daughter is bad, etc. It is rooted. The campaign against violence against women will not be successful unless the society and the nation treat the girl and the boy equally. Stories and stories of violence against women are often hidden and lost without expression. In particular, the Government of Nepal says that men and women are legally equal and capable. If there is any kind of violence against you, you can get justice by reporting it to the concerned body. Tolerating or not speaking out after enduring violence is to support Hisa, which can never be good. We see violent men in terms of violence against women, but the role of women in violence against women remains the same. It is important for women themselves to be aware of violence against women.

Just as the existence of Shiva without Parvati is secondary, Vishnu without Lakshmi is half, the story of Krishna without Radha is not exciting, the ancestor of Jesus Christ without Mother Mary is not complete, so without the love and intimacy of woman with man and man and without respect woman is not complete, come today Let us promise that we will always be vigilant against violence against women. Long live the end of violence for women’s empowerment!
Gehendra Shumsher : History About First Scientist Of Nepal