Bairagi Kainla : A Great & Humble Poet

Bairagi Kainla

Bairagi Kainla place in Nepali literature is exactly the same as that of Colridge or TS Eliot in English literature. That is to say, the negative voice in us begins to swell because doubt plays a greater role in our psychology than faith.

Poet Bairagi Kainla’s place in Nepali literature is exactly the same as that of Colridge or TS Eliot in English literature.That is to say, the negative voice in us begins to swell because doubt plays a greater role in our psychology than faith. Colridge and Elliott are well-known poets who have the ability to prove their philosophy through innovative poetry.

Just like in Nepali literature, Bairagi Kaila is a poet who has the ability to confirm his philosophy ‘Third Dimension’ by writing unique poems. All three poets wrote long and winding poems like a river. Used Eastern and Western proto-images. He wrote in a separate, small, but awake dream. Used And, they became famous on their own ground.

Bairagi Kainla -Notes Nepal
Bairagi Kainla

We spent many years associating with Kainla’s brother.Listening to a poem or idea of ​​a ‘Poet Laureate’ of prose poetry, even reciting a poem in front of him, participating in discussions is a matter of pride even for us and the generation of talented poet brothers and sisters because poetry is a language, Kainla is not always considered to be the most successful poet.

If we take a closer look, there is a vacancy for a major status poet in many countries today. The poem goes into a ‘monotony’, in an annoying state. While Madhav Prasad Ghimire, the laureate of verse poetry, and Bairagi Kainla, the laureate of prose poetry, we have been able to remain active in new creations.

If I talked too much about the challenging background of the poet Kainla, his association with the revered Ibisar and Vallabh Dai, the publication of ‘Flowers, Leaves, Patkar’, the philosophical approach they projected, etc., it would now be just a disturbing ‘repetition’. But I would like to repeat their statement, “The birth of man is a great birth, to live against complexity.”

That is because everyone today is an intellectual. Every legal person has a rebellion because the life he lives is in the complexity of the social environment. Professor Abhi Subedi says – To understand Kainla, one has to understand the problem of the rebels and their journey. I think that’s what the government, the people who have ruled, the society doesn’t want to understand.

It is natural for a poet to embark on a journey to prove that ‘the birth of a man is a great birth’.But more than that, they played the game in such a way that the field itself became attractive and great. Even poet Bhupi Sherchan has said in a conversation that he is a ‘Bairagi Kainla’ rather than his favorite contemporary poet.

It is not uncommon for a poet who has come with rebellion and arrogance to get that reputation in a literary environment like ours.Now the era of dimension being at the center of Nepali literature has passed. Its central poet Kainla has become a myth. The effect of dimension has reached all four horizons. Kainla’s poems also have a special right to that effect.

‘How much did Kainla write? There are also people who chew betel leaves. In fact, he does not know the nature of the poet. He has to write a hundred or two hundred books, but there is nothing greedy in him. Most writers write a little better. A little writing talent writes very well. The rest is just a game of making a book corner in your own room.

This was the essence of the great poet Devkota’s saying ‘burn all my works except Munamadan’.The birth of poetry in nature coincides with a volcano. Match the storm. It is compatible with human passion and extreme compassion. Dhami says that he climbed towards the village – vibration and flow of dreamy mantras.

Match that. Poetry is not born in a window sitting on a piece of paper with the title ‘Great Poetry’. Otherwise, to suggest Bairagi Kainla, who writes unprecedented poems like ‘Drunk Man’s Speech: Midnight with the Road’, ‘Haat Bharne Manis’, ‘Ganga Nilo Bagchu’, ‘Planchet’s Table’, ‘Parvat’, ‘Sawatko Baila Utsav’, ‘Vhoko Ajingar’ What do you need ?

That is the nature of the birth of poetry all over the world. Sudden explosion, sudden flow of special language and consciousness and stopping for how many yams. Let’s say Kitts, Shelley, Pound, Elliott, Baudelaire, Gymvosrka, Transtromer, Alice Walker or our Rimal, Bhupi or Kainla.

Kainla did not write so little. Two collections of philosophical poems, from captivating songs and love poems to the eternity of Tanatan Andhimay Beg.Limbu language – dozens of works of research and discovery of culture. Translation. …..? Whatever one thinks, Nepali literature is blessed with Kainla.

There are those who call Bairagi Kalndai anarchist because of his poetic style, rebellious character, etc. In fact, anarchism is a characteristic of any powerful poet. Moreover, it is the modern poet who understands the complex environment of life. Devkota, Whitman, Ginsberg … which poet should I name?

Bairagi Kainla -Notes Nepal
Bairagi Kainla

After becoming anarchist, the poet wakes up or goes into a dream and dares to attack architecture. Goes to the ability to invent. Kainla’s characters are the same. Speaking in the middle of the night after drinking alcohol, talking in a hurry, being a loose woman, dancing around an open dynasty, looking for excuses with people who have gone to the market, trying to cut high mountains with Manju Shri’s sword.

Where did the earlier poems give voice to those people? Was given a place?

Only the most polite and distinguished can speak in poetry? Most of today’s people are just like Bairagi Kainla characters. Trying to flow like a Ganga and suddenly standing on a cliff!

But I think Kainla’s anarchism is different. It was the word coined by some intellectuals who were trying to send ‘dimension’ to Darjeeling. They understood the power of Kaldai’s poetry. Even though they understood less dimension, they understood its power. But how to stop him from entering the mainstream of Nepali literature?

What to stop That’s the last word in the language they know – anarchism. And made it another name for the only Limbu poet in the country to rise from the great struggle.

In recent times, the influence of the poet Bairagi Kainla has spread like the winter sun. There is a growing number of people who have gained a great reputation by writing poetry, who have led the writer-artist front in the struggles for democracy, and who have been inspired by lifelong active poets for the liberation of mankind.

Moreover, the style and energy of his poetry captures those who want to give a strong voice of rebellion. As the caste is Limbu, a beautiful culture in his Nepali language always smiles. Freed from classicalism, his language is uniquely enticing. Moreover, no literary can remain unaffected by the ‘range’ of philosophy, knowledge and poetry.

He himself goes to every town and village to listen to and understand the new generation and says one thing that appeals to the youth – ‘You are right.

Ivy, Ballabh, I wrote about the people of the world. But you have to write about your own thing, your own culture – … ‘With age, Bairagi Kainla is now the smiling sun on the hill. But his decency and humility are still alive. I remember one thing in December 2067. Bairagi Kainla was the Chancellor of the Academy. Kathmandu Gurukul had invited me for a solo poetry recital.

What is your desire to recite poetry in front of him?

In a program in Delhi, my brother showed a message to Abhi Subedi and said, “Hey, Manu has written such a letter.” Later, when I reach the gurukula, my brother is standing there with his head down. The presence of the Chancellor of the Nepal Academy in response to a message seemed strange and wonderful to me. Such humility can only be expected from a great poet, a great writer, or even a skeptic.

He is also doing the ‘defense’ of the youth wonderfully. A long time ago, there was a program at the confluence of Ilam and Jhapa. Dai is the chief guest. We were in a hall before the event. There is a leader. Like my poem Suddenly Burluk jumped up and said, ‘Oh, Manuji. Recite two or three poems. I’m bored ‘.

Do you want to give a speech? Have you ever asked the leaders to give a speech? Don’t go climbing, enjoy. Build a house Ours too, one day Salik … ‘said his brother, standing up and saying’, ‘but the peacocks have also destroyed Salik …’. Everyone laughed. After the leader left, his brother also smiled.

There were complaints that the academy did nothing despite being the chancellor. Dai was the chief guest at an important event at Biratnagar Gurukul. When I spoke, I shouted at the writers. Dai was listening to me with a big smile, shaking his head and smiling. After talking for a long time, I sat down next to my brother on the stage.

Bairagi Kainla -Notes Nepal
Bairagi Kainla

My brother leaned a little closer to me and said in detail, ‘You seem to have spoken with great fun. But what did we say I almost forgot to bring a hearing aid.It is wrong to say that a great poet who has celebrated his 78th birthday should not be criticized. Bairagi Kainla have risen in the midst of criticism.

The personality has risen. But sometimes it is heard that he is criticized even in the worst language. When criticizing a great poet who has given an apocalyptic philosophy, a new poem, it happens once by bowing one’s head in reverence and criticizing.The main thing is whether it is reverence or doubt.

Doubt is created by keeping faith in the heart. When doubt is kept in the heart, reverence falls out. That’s all. It is said that a person can be identified only by understanding his dreams. Undoubtedly, Bairagi Kainla, who has dreamed of literature all his life, is one of the great heroes of this country’s literature. At least that’s not to say.


Who is Bairagi Kainla?

Biogrphy about Bairagi Kainla 

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