Agricultural Nepal : History About Agriculture In Nepal

Agriculture Nepal
Agriculture Nepal : which is linked to livelihoods of about two-thirds of the country’s population, is lagging behind as it is not a priority for the state. Modernization of the agricultural sector is limited to government policies and programs, party manifestos and leaders’ speeches. If we look at the past statistics, the agricultural sector is declining every year, a large number of young people have gone abroad in search of work, many families have migrated, most of the lands planted under the sky are becoming barren.
The country has not become self-sufficient in milk even after mixing about 30 percent water. If the trader is told that the milk is thin, he should be ready to hear that he should be born with pure milk. Farmers engaged in agriculture do not seem to be interested in agriculture, but it has become like a compulsory profession. Agriculture Nepal

Those who own land have stopped cultivating because they see no investment, while those who do not own land are forced to cultivate other people’s land and hand over two-thirds of the land to the rich. In the name of agricultural tools, farmers have plows, spades and sickles. To plow 10 days in a year, one has to raise cattle for 365 days.
No irrigation, no money to invest, no improved seeds, no fertilizer, no technician to teach technology, no market to sell but a market to buy. Only a very limited number of farmers have access to the agriculture office. Goats do not weigh 10 kg in a year, buffaloes do not give milk three times a day. Agriculture Nepal
From this current state of agriculture, you are paving the way for self-reliance.Some visible work has been done in the agricultural sector, the country is self-sufficient in eggs and poultry, some farmers are engaged in commercial vegetable farming, some progress has been made in goat rearing, cow and buffalo rearing.
Dhankuta of Province No. 1, Sarlahi of Province No. 2, Makwanpur, Chitwan, Dhading and Kavre of Province No. 3, Palpa of Province No. 5, Salyan of Province No. 6 and Dadeldhura District of Province No. 7 seem to be successful in introducing vegetable production.In the last week of April, about 150 farmers of Buddhabhumi Municipality of Kapilvastu district planted golbhenda on 70 hectares of land due to lack of golbhenda market. Agriculture Nepal

Golbhenda worth crores of rupees did not find market in Panchthar and other districts, while milk was spilled on the streets in Chitwan. Ironically, tens of millions of golbhends produced in India are being transported to different districts of the Terai and hills of the country every day, while Nepal’s golbhends rotted without finding a market.
For what reason Who will find the reason? In this situation of farmers, on what basis should the state help the youths who have gone abroad to return home and invest in agribusiness? Remember, about eight billion vegetables are imported to Nepal every year.Farmers of Jhapa and Chitwan are pouring milk in the streets without finding a market and children in Karnali are suffering from malnutrition. Agriculture Nepal
Paddy from Rajapur in Bardia district does not find a market but Nepal imports around Rs 30 billion worth of rice from India every year.It is not because the country has not been able to produce a lot of agricultural produce and consume it or because the producers are charging exorbitant prices.
Billions of rupees are not imported every year from India. Where the problem is, the main problem is the state’s neglect of the agricultural sector and the state’s inability to ensure marketing.There are vegetable traders in every district but they do not want to buy local produce. Agricultural traders have their own channel to buy regular agricultural products and they do not want to go outside that channel. Agriculture Nepal
There are only two cases where most of the current vegetable and fruit traders buy local products: when there is no availability outside and local products are very cheap. Without market certainty, modernization or commercialization of agriculture will not reduce the import of agricultural products in the next few decades. Instead, it seems to be rising. Agriculture Nepal
Point 30 to 35 of the policy and program of the Government of Nepal for the Fiscal Year 2075/076 is related to the agriculture sector. The government has adopted a policy of mobilizing about two-thirds of the population dependent on agriculture in the non-agricultural sector in five years through policies and programs.
If this policy is implemented, the population dependent on agriculture should fall to 22 percent in the next five years. For this, the state should come up with a clear blueprint on how to consolidate the subdivided arable land into commercial land.In countries that are considered successful in agriculture, the necessary agricultural land is made available to the farmers engaged in commercial agriculture through the government or cooperatives. Agriculture Nepal
In the context of Nepal, arable land is not under the control of the government and its implementation is complicated. There are two possible options. First, to manage and market the products through cooperatives by making them private. Second, the policy of consolidating the cultivable land and making it available to the cultivating farmers can be done through cooperatives and coordinated by the Agriculture Office.
The government’s policy and program is to double food production in five years, become self-reliant in agriculture and emphasize organic agriculture. However, the implementation side does not seem to be able to move forward according to the essence of the government’s policies and programs. Agriculture Nepal
If the state is able to supply improved varieties of seeds and fertilizers on time to at least 70 to 80 percent of the cultivable land, the production of food grains can be doubled even in the current situation. If we can focus on easy agricultural credit, irrigation, mechanization, technology, assured marketing and commercialization, the country will have five years to become self-reliant in agriculture.
At the current pace and with the current state of implementation, the path to self-reliance in agriculture may be even longer.Research has shown that organic agriculture cannot produce as much as non-organic agriculture. Organic agriculture emphasizes food quality and safety rather than production.
In order to make Nepal organic within ten years, it is necessary to declare some local levels and crops as organic, create organic zones and superzones in some crops and expand organic agriculture.Without the involvement of the youth in agriculture, the agricultural sector cannot become self-reliant and commercial with the current manpower in agriculture. Attention should be paid to modernize and commercialize agriculture under the leadership of youth by preparing young manpower. Agriculture Nepal
The number of women dependent on agriculture illustrates the state of agriculture in that country. About three percent of women in Japan and five percent in Korea are involved in agriculture, while 81 percent of women in Nepal are involved in agriculture. While most of the youths are in foreign employment, the traditional agricultural profession is being run by women.
Research shows that pesticides used in agriculture are twice as effective in women as in men and are more likely to affect women’s fertility.Agriculture is the only alternative to livelihood in the rural areas of the country. By modernizing and commercializing the agriculture in the rural areas, the bodies related
There should be no delay in establishing at least one reliable agricultural collection center at the local level and one collection, grading and packaging center at the district level. The possibilities of processing and agro-industry should be explored by sending them for sale in the markets required for consumption and the rest to the processing and agro-industries. If we can collect local products and sell them in the market only after grading and packaging, then consumers can consume local products with agriculture should pay attention to bring the money of the city to the villages through agricultural production.
Ironically, the money to be brought from the city to the village is going to India in the name of importing agricultural produce. Even though we do not understand the priority of agriculture in rural areas, agriculture does not seem to be gaining momentum.For example, local mountain chickens and eggs are in high demand, and commercialization and marketing can be a good source of income.
Let’s adopt a policy of encouraging local production and discouraging imported products. We request the agri traders in the district, hotels, government offices, consumer committees and cooperatives to help in the marketing of local products. If the current market system does not work and local products are not purchased, it is appropriate to move forward with the idea of new agricultural marketing by considering the market as zero in the current price chain.
Plans can be made to determine the fair price of locally produced agricultural produce according to the season and to produce the required agricultural produce in the district. In order for the country to be self-reliant in agriculture, it is necessary for the family, society, local level, district and state to be self-reliant. In order for the country to become self-reliant in agriculture, producers, sellers and consumers need to give priority to local products.
Successful countries in the world’s agriculture are successful because they can combine productivity, research and agro-industry. If research is limited in Nepal, we have not been able to develop agro-industry. Institutions such as the Agricultural College, which produces agricultural technology, and Nark, which conducts research, are plagued by politics.
In the end, only the right agricultural policy of the government, budget according to the policy, plan to ach
On the one hand, the federal, state and local levels are saying that the country cannot prosper without modernization of agriculture, while the implementation side seems very traditional. It is unimaginable that agriculture would take a leap by distributing one pack of seeds, five berna of lemons, one hive of bees.
Modernization in agriculture is not possible by working with traditional methods and mentality. Modernization and commercialization in agriculture cannot be achieved by writing policies and programs on paper alone.ieve the policy, correct implementation and regular monitoring can make the agricultural profession dignified and successful. Although some of our agricultural policies are very good, the agricultural sector does not seem to be able to achieve success due to poor implementation.
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