Jumla Apple – How Jumla Became The Land Of Apple

Jumla Apple
Jumla Apple – It is time for the people of Jumla to be busy in marketing apples. Lately, the whole of Jumla has become apple. The main internal source of apple exports here is everyone. Lately, apples have become the hallmark of Jumla. According to the Agriculture Knowledge Center, about 44,000 saplings were planted in 15,000 orchards in the district last year.
Last year, 3,150 metric tonnes of apples were produced. The Agriculture Knowledge Center estimates that this year it will double to six metric tons of apples. Similarly, the ‘Jumla Apple Festival 2076’ will be held for the second time on September 29 to highlight this possibility. An apple conference is being organized to introduce the apples produced here to the national and international level.

The Jumla Apple Festival will be inaugurated by Karnali Agriculture Minister Vimala KC on August 29, said Mahendra Karki, Managing Director of Kanjirova Times. According to the organizer Kanjirova Times, the festival is aimed at supporting the production, promotion and marketing of apples, laying the groundwork for Apple tourism and promoting apple products.
Organizer Kanjirova’s director Karki said that the apple festival is being organized to make the export process of produced apples effective and to help them reach Jumla for eating apples. According to him, Jumla is becoming self-sufficient from apple. He said that the festival is being organized to introduce Jumla as ‘Apple Tourism’. He said that the festival was organized to increase the attraction towards apples in the country and abroad.
Karki also informed that stalls of various types of apples will be set up in the one-day festival. The main attraction of the festival, which is being held at the district headquarters Khalanga, will be a variety of dishes made from more than a dozen varieties of apples grown in Jumla. About two-thirds of the Red and Golden Delicious varieties of apples will be a special attraction, according to the organizers.
Karki informed that Italian Fiji apples started in Jumla for the last three years will also be kept in the stall. An Apple Information Center will be established to provide complete information about apples. Similarly, cultural programs reflecting various local cultures will also be shown. Documentary and posting children’s activities and Apple Tree exhibitions are the highlights of the Apple Festival. The Apple Festival was first held in Jumla on September 3 last year to highlight this possibility. Jumla Apple
Although the area under apple cultivation in Jumla is increasing, the production is declining every year. According to the District Agriculture Development Office, Jumla, the area under apples has increased by 40 percent in five years. However, apples have not been produced according to the area. Walkaram Devkota, planning officer of the Agriculture Development Office, Jumla, said that apples are being cultivated in 3350 hectares at present. Jumla Apple
There are 14,500 orchards in 12,000 households, but farmers are worried as the quality of apples is declining every year and production is declining. Due to insect infestation, heat wave, hailstorm and windstorm due to drought, apple have not been able to give the desired fruit.
It was estimated to produce 5,500 metric tonnes of apples in the current fiscal year but only 4,100 metric tonnes was produced. In the coming year, one thousand hectares of planted apples are bearing more fruits than last year. The Jumla Agriculture Office has informed that 7,000 metric tonnes of apples will be produced out of the projected production of 8,000 metric tonnes. Jumla Apple
Apple production is also declining this year. “Production is declining every year,” said Devkota, a planning officer. According to him, the apple orchards in Anapatarasi village and other areas facing south have less fruit. He said that the production of apples was declining due to the outbreak of Lycari, hail, drought, infection of Gawaro insects and heat.
Apple production has come in all the seven villages including one municipality of the district. Locally produced apple seedlings are planted. According to agronomists, the expected results can be achieved from apples if weeding, pruning and irrigation can be done well in the three months of winter. Jumla Apple
He suggested to plant kosebali inside the apple orchard. He stressed on the need to ban Kosebali Bar. As the area increases, the quality decreases. There is no capacity to store apples. There is a fear of rotting if you have to keep it for a long time. As the roads are not paved, the means of transportation are also low due to the time of picking apples. You are self-sufficient in apple trees.

After Jumla came up with the concept of one house, one orchard, the competition for apple orchard has started. Apples rot when there are no stores in most farmers’ orchards. The apples produced here reach Surkhet, Nepalgunj, Kohalpur, Kathmandu, Butwal, Dang and Narayanghat. Traders buy apples at a price of Rs 70 per kg.
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