First Aid : The Details Everyone Should Know In Case of Emergency

First Aid
First Aid, Suppose your son has a minor injury. The little child was burnt by the fire. A member of the family was injured after falling from a ladder. The daughter had a fever. Someone in the neighborhood was bitten by a snake. What to do now ?? In this case, we get confused. We are in a dilemma of what to do and how to do it. Keep it at home or take it to the hospital? We can’t decide.
In the case of a minor injury, it is not so difficult. But, when a snake bites, breaks limbs, burns with fire, then we panic. What to do in such a situation, where to take the victim, how to reduce his pain, how to handle him? We are not able to think.

This kind of confusion and delay can sometimes endanger the life of the victim. Similarly, even if the hospital is far away, the health of the victim may be affected. Unbearable pain, bleeding can kill a person.
When this kind of accident happens, we need to do some immediate treatment so that they do not have to take additional risks. It may take time to get to the hospital, or the victim may have to endure excruciating pain while being taken to the hospital. First aid is useful to prevent such a situation.
First aid is the most common preventative measure that can be taken immediately after an accident. However, first aid can relieve potential complications.
Why know first aid?
You, we, anyone can have an accident. Our family members may be. A member of the household may be injured in a fight. Fire can burn. If first aid is known in such cases, the potential risk can be avoided.

So everyone should know about first aid. This is the basic knowledge of a daily life. If one of the family members has knowledge about first aid, some problems can be easily avoided.
The purpose of first aid
– Avoid potential risks. To save lives
– Don’t let the situation get worse or risky.
– To be taken to the relevant place for proper treatment.
– To improve the situation.
Must Read
Principles of first aid
Physicians should give first priority to their safety. This is only temporary care. Humanitarian based moral support, impartiality, integrity, voluntary service. Know, don’t harm.
The main responsibility of first aid
– Ensuring security situation
– To use the available resources
– Checking, testing.
– First aid.
– Carrying and giving details.

First aid rules
– To try to reach the accident site as soon as possible.
– First aid should not be rushed on its own, but on the basis of priority, the injured should be treated with priority.
– Patients and relatives should be comforted.
– If there is bleeding, you should try to stop it.
– Injured or victim to sleep easily and comfortably.
– If the clothes worn on the body are uncomfortable, take them off.
– To send or take initiative for special treatment as soon as possible.
– To be taken to the place where the treatment service is.
The primary care physician examines the patient or the injured person and obtains complete information regarding the problem or injury.
Treatment: To save lives and prevent re-injury after proper assessment of the disease or injury. To get rid of the problem completely, send the victim to a well-equipped institution for safe or necessary treatment.
Immediate first aidtely reach the accident site and inspect it.
– To keep the injured from unsafe place to safe place.
– To work by setting priorities. For example, treating the most anxious condition as the first priority.
– To monitor respiration. To make the airways loose.
– If there is bleeding, take any measure to stop the bleeding.
– If the heartbeat is stopped, give cardio massage immediately.
– If hand and foot are broken, tie the knot. Carry the injured to the health facility for treatment without much movement.
– To keep a record of the accident.
– If oxygen does not reach the brain for 3 to 4 minutes, then the brain will be dead.
– Inhale and exhale to see if it is enough.
– If there is no breathing, if the speed of breathing is slow, then breathe by connecting the mouth to the mouth.