Vitamin D : Why is Vitamin D important For Body? Know The Facts

Vitamin D

Sudarshan Basnet, the director of Suswasthya Hospital, Vaneshwar, says, “Most people in Kathmandu are deficient in vitamin D if they have to undergo health check-ups.” He has been found to be deficient inthis  in those who reach the hospital with various health problems. Itis obtained from sunlight and some foods. People are not taking vitamin D through either of these means.

It is found in most of the foods we consume on a daily basis. Milk, ghee, egg yolks, fish oil and morning sun rays are considered good sources of vitamin D. Of these, sunlight is the best and free source of  it. Even if we sit in the sun for about five minutes every day, our body is getting it. Our skin contains a substance that is converted to it by the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D

The most important function of vitamin D is to strengthen the bones of our body. So calcium is needed to make bones strong.It balances the same amount of calcium. Intake makes us less likely to get any bone related diseases. It also strengthens the muscles of our body. In addition, it helps the body make a protein called osteocalcin. It also protects against bone fractures.

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to many problems in women. According to US researchers,  deficiency can make a difference in the structure and daily functioning of the lungs. Deficiency also reduces the ability of the lungs to function. In addition,  deficiency causes the lungs to contract. This can cause problems in the respiratory system itself.

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Vitamin D deficiency can cause back and hip pain. According to a study, Its levels were tested in 360 patients suffering from low back pain. As a result, all patients showed its deficiency. Its deficiency weakens the bone surface, which can lead to any bone problems. According to a study, vitamin D deficiency can cause respiratory problems in adolescents at an early age.

Health Tips

The waist is in the middle of the body and it holds most of the weight of the body. Even the spine is completely attached to the waist. If our body is deficient in vitamin D, the spine will find it difficult to support the body. There is a strong correlation between the amount of this and the body mass index, the size of the waist and the skin fold fibers, indicators of obesity in the body. Women who are deficient in this are more likely to be obese than those who are high in it.

Women often suffer from osteoarthritis. As women get older, this problem gets worse. It is difficult for them to do even simple work. In this case, if they increase the amount of vitamin D intake, they can easily get rid of such problems. Back pain is also seen as a common problem among women. According to scientists, if the sun is the main source of this in winter, it can be got rid of.

Vitamin D

Pregnant women should suffer from various health problems. In such cases, if their body is deficient in it, the possibility of multiple cirrhosis is high. So vitamin D is also beneficial for our eyes. According to a recent study, the use of this can get rid of the problem of difficulty in seeing close-ups. In addition, women who have been taking this since childhood are less likely to develop bone-related diseases after menstruation.

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