Feature Stories

Travel And Budget management: Plan Your Travel

Travel And Budget management :Traveling inside or outside the country has become a unique part of people's lives.…

Badi Community : Story About Prostitution And Slavery In Nepal

The Badi community has historically been a minority community deprived of economic, social, cultural and political mainstream. This…

Vaastu Shastra : The Beliefs And Techniques of Building Perfect House

Vaastu Shastra is an ancient science. Vaastu means house and Shastra means discipline and instruction. Therefore, "Vaastu Shastra"…

Dakshinkali : The Powerful Goddess Temple Near Kathmandu Valley

Dakshinkali is a village development committee in Kathmandu District in the Bagmati Zone of Nepal. There are 822…

Taltalaiya: A Beautiful Tourist Destination Of Sunsari

Taltalaiya Introduction Taltalaiya  area is spread in 2nd and 3rd wards of Itahari sub-metropolis. There are 7 lakes…

Thakuri Caste : Here Is Every Detail About Thakuri Caste

Thakuri Caste : "History is history, no one can erase it."Relationship between Thakuri and other castes Thakuri and…