Feature Stories

Rani Mahal: History About Wonder Of Love

Have you reached Rani Mahal? Rani Mahal is Located on the border of Palpa and Syangja districts, Rani…

Ghantaghar :History About The Clock Tower Nepal

Ghantaghar  A sundial made to match the hands of a clock tower is now in a state of…

Shivagadhi Fort : Where the British Army could not Defeat Nepali Warriors

Shivagadhi Fort : The History Shivagadhi Fort, The British, who were running the East India Company government by…

Rafting in Nepal : Best Rivers and Routes

Rafting In Nepal, Rafting is a type of air raft that sails with the flow of water. This…

First Movie Nepal : History & Story Of First Movie House

First Movie Nepal- While digging into the history of cinema exhibitions in Nepal, Rana reaches the reign of…

Khukuri :The story of Khukuri

Khukuri -In our ancient culture, the place of kukhuri is revered and revered. There are interesting ideas about…