Feature Stories

Tangting : A New Destination In Rural Tourism Kaski Nepal

Tangting :Amar Singh Chowk in Pokhara, a beautiful city of lakes, is reached at a distance of 200…

Someshwar Gadhi : Don’t you want to go to Someshwar Gadhi of Madi?

Someshwar Gadhi : Nowadays, when you go for a walk in any district of Nepal, tourism issues come…

Dementia : The Ways to Cure Dementia and Ways for Prevention

Some basic lifestyle changes can solve a third of dementia patients' problems. What can researchers do to address…

Punya Gautam : Who is all time hit Punya Gautam Actually ?

Punya Gautam was born in 2034 BS in Nijgadh of Bara as the youngest son of mother Himadevi…

Sukhani Kanda :What Is The Sukhani Scandal In Jhapa?

Sukhani Kanda The incident where five people were martyred at the same time in the communist movement 46…

Kichkabad Jhapa : Famous Tourist Destination And Its History

Kichkabad of Jhapa is an important tourist destination of Nepal, which is associated with the story of the…