Feature Stories

Yagya and Hawan : Religious Importance of Yagya and Hawan

Brahma made the yagya together with man, Agni is considered to be the mouth of God, therefore sacrifice…

Mahendra Cave : Best Tourist Destination in Pokhara

Mahendra Cave is a famous cave near Pokhara in Kaski district of Nepal. It is the first destination…

Lights in Tihar : Home Decoration Tips in Tihar, You Must Know

Lights in Tihar, Valini players come and start chanting, 'Covered with green dung, Lakshmi Puja is worshiped.' Deusi…

Cock Fight : Cock Fighting Tradition In Nepal

Cock Fight : In many parts of the district, Maghe Sankranti has been associated with the festival of…

Rituals of Hinduism : 16 Rites From Conception to Burial

Rituals of Hinduism, Hinduism is the major religion of Nepal. It contains sixteen sacred rites. Due to the…

Tribhuvan International Airport : Every Details About TIA

Tribhuvan International Airport is located in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. It is the main and only international…