Feature Stories

Badimalika Temple : Seven Day Pilgrimage Site , Martadi

Badimalika Temple Tourist activity has increased in the famous religious and tourist site of Bajura, Badimalika temple area.…

Spiritual Path of Knowledge : Knowledge That Takes You Near to Nirvana

Spiritual Path of Knowledge, The wise are constantly situated in the essence. Who is wise? Let's look at…

Sushil Koirala : The One Who Devoted Whole Life for Sake of Democracy

Sushil Koirala, Even though the tireless warrior of the democratic movement, the President of the Nepali Congress and…

Jamara : The Growing Technique, Religious and Health Benefits

On the first day of Vijayadashami (Navratrai), barley is planted in a line made of cow dung. Similarly,…

Osteoporosis : Everything You Need to Know About Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease. The complication is that there is a fear of weakening the bones and…

Baburam Bhattarai : The Engineering and Political Life

Dr. Baburam Bhattarai Unified CPN-Maoist Constituency: Gorkha-1 (won by getting 22824 votes), Rupendehi-4. Dr. Baburam Bhattarai is the…